hit counter ‘Until then, you’re on your own’: An exasperated teacher matches her students’ energy after they refuse to participate in classes – Steam Clouds

‘Until then, you’re on your own’: An exasperated teacher matches her students’ energy after they refuse to participate in classes

In a bold move that’s stirring up debate in educational circles, a teacher decided to give her students a taste of their own medicine when they refused to participate in class. The incident, which went viral on TikTok, has sparked discussions about student engagement and the challenges educators face in today’s classrooms.

The teacher, who goes by @lazylearningland on TikTok, found herself at her wit’s end during a math lesson with her 11th and 12th-grade students. Despite her enthusiastic attempts to teach complex mathematical concepts, the students remained mute even when asked simple questions like “What’s 9 times 4?” Listen to me when I tell you that you’ve never been annoyed until you’ve had to teach a class of 20+ uninterested students.

Frustrated by the lack of engagement, the educator made a snap decision. “So I’m gonna stop right here,” she declared to the class. “Y’all are gonna figure this out and your paper’s due at the end of the period for a quiz grade.” She then laid down the ground rules: Students could work together, but they couldn’t ask her for help.

What happens when disinterested students get the silent treatment from their teacher?


Pet Peeve: When my students aren’t responding back to me, when I’m trying to help them. #teacherhack #teachersoftiktok #teachingontiktok #teaching

♬ original sound – LazyLearningLand

“When y’all wanna be students, then you’ll get a teacher. Until then, you’re on your own,” she stated firmly before walking away from the board.

It didn’t take long for reality to set in. As students began to realize they’d pushed too far, they approached the teacher for help. But she stood on business, reminding them of just how reluctant they were to participate earlier.

“You mean when I was up there and trying to help y’all and y’all didn’t want to say nothing about what was 9 x 4 and now you want me to help you?”

This incident highlights a growing concern in education: The disconnect between traditional teaching methods and student engagement. While lectures have long been a staple of classroom instruction, recent studies suggest they may not be the most effective learning tool.

Screengrab via @lazylearningland/TikTok

A Harvard study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that although students felt they learned more from traditional lectures, they actually performed better on tests after participating in active learning sessions. This surprising result suggests a significant gap between perceived and actual learning.

The study’s lead author, Louis Deslauriers, noted that students often seemed to prefer polished lectures. However, the data clearly showed that active engagement with the material led to better educational outcomes.

While some might view the TikToker’s actions as harsh, others argue it’s a necessary wake-up call. As one commenter, a fellow teacher, put it, they’re actively trying to teach their students to abandon “learned helplessness” and forcing them to confront the consequences of their disengagement.

Screengrab via @lazylearningland/TikTok

The incident also raises questions about the evolving role of educators in the digital age. Do teachers really have to translate all their lessons into TikTok dances for students to pay attention, or should students (particularly ones above a certain grade) start taking more accountability for their own learning?

With information readily available at students’ fingertips, teachers are increasingly tasked with fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills rather than simply imparting knowledge. However, despite what people have told you, learning in a classroom is a two-way street.

As the debate continues, it’s clear that finding the right balance between engagement and instruction remains a key challenge in education. While the TikTok teacher’s approach may be controversial, it’s sparked a much-needed conversation about student participation and effective teaching methods.

For anyone interested in these educational issues, the teacher behind the viral video also hosts a podcast where she discusses her experiences and strategies in the classroom. It’s definitely a must-listen for anyone invested in the future of education.

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