hit counter Subscriber of the week: Simon Tyler-Murphy – Steam Clouds

Subscriber of the week: Simon Tyler-Murphy

What do you do?

Urology nurse specialist.

Where do you live?

East Sussex.

Do you vote?


How long have you been a subscriber?

Ten years plus.

What made you start?

Cover article on display in WHSmith.

Is the NS bug in the family?


What pages do you flick to first?

Andrew Marr, Tracey Thorn.

How do you read yours?

Over the weekend.

What would you like to see more of in the NS?


Who are your favourite NS writers?

Nicholas Lezard.

Who would you put on the cover of the NS?

Nye Bevan.

With which political figure would you least like to be stuck in a lift?

Nigel Farage.

All-time favourite NS article?

The articles by Dr Phil Whitaker during Covid reflected the evolution in our understanding of the virus and its effects.

The New Statesman is…

An essential and calm reflection of politics during a period of epic change in the world.

[See also: Donald Trump’s identity crisis]

About admin