hit counter My mum’s obsession with Jamie Oliver got her scammed out of thousands of pounds – Steam Clouds

My mum’s obsession with Jamie Oliver got her scammed out of thousands of pounds

DEAR DEIDRE: MY mum’s obsession with Jamie Oliver led to her being scammed out of thousands of pounds by a man posing as the famous TV chef.

She’s convinced herself she’s online dating the real celebrity, and I’m terrified she’s being conned out of even more money.  

I’m 46 and she’s 69. 

What started as a harmless crush has taken over her life. Jamie is all she talks about.

She’s met a man on social media who says he’s Jamie Oliver, and uses his picture. 

They’re having a ‘secret’ relationship. She believes he’s in love with her and is going to marry her, and has sent him expensive gifts.

My gut is 100% telling me this man isn’t genuine. The real Jamie is happily married and young enough to be her son!

But she won’t listen, saying I’m jealous and don’t want her to be happy.

I need to make her come to her senses so she doesn’t get her heart broken again. How can I do this without ruining our relationship?

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DEIDRE SAYS: Your mother sounds naive, lonely and vulnerable, which sadly makes her a prime target for scammers. Your concerns are valid.

For more information about romance scams, see Action Fraud (actionfraud.police.uk).

Try talking to her again, explaining you want her to be happy but are worried. Perhaps suggest you could talk to her boyfriend. 

My support pack, Standing Up For Yourself, should help you talk to her effectively.

If you can’t get through to her, it might be worth contacting her GP about your concerns.



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