hit counter Integrity of 2024 elections questionable – Dr Tanko Rashid – Steam Clouds

Integrity of 2024 elections questionable – Dr Tanko Rashid

The Deputy Director of Elections and IT for the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Dr. Rashid Tanko is casting doubts about the integrity of the 2024 election claiming the Electoral Commission’s (EC’s) refusal to conduct the forensic audit makes it so.

During an interview on Joy News morning show,  he stated that the Electoral Commission is creating the impression that the errors discovered in the voters’ register have been corrected when nothing of that sort has been done.

According to him, the opposition NDC has given the Electoral Commission an ultimatum of one week to think about the issue and come to a consensus with the party after a round table discussion.

“The EC doesn’t know the level of illegal transfers in the register. It’s widespread. They only hold press conferences to address when we tease out a piece of the errors they know nothing about”, he claimed

Rashid Tank emphasized that without the forensic audit, the Electoral Commission cannot be trusted, urging the EC to conduct a re-exhibition in order for Ghanaians to recheck if their names have not been illegally transferred to another region or not.

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