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Простий і смачний крем зі сметани! Гарно тримає форму і не тече! Підходить для любих тортів!

Сьогодні готую простий і смачний крем для тортів і тістечок, всього лише з 3 інгредієнтів. Готується такий крем зі сметани, вершкового масла і вареного згущеного молока. Це ідеальний рецепт крему для прошарку будь-яких бісквітних і багатошарових тортів. Інгредієнти: 700-800 г густої сметани 20-26 % 500 г вареного згущеного молока 350 г вершкового масла (82,5 %) […]

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“Родинні цінності”: у Грузії скопіювали в РФ ще один антидемократичний закон

Парламент Грузії ухвалив у цілому так званий пакет “анти-ЛГБТ” законів та поправок. За відповідне рішення проголосували 84 депутати, при цьому опозиція, яка бойкотує роботу парламенту, у голосуванні участі не брала, повідомляє NewsGeorgia. Зазначається, що ця тема є частиною передвиборчої програми правлячої партії “Грузинська мрія”, яка оголосила себе борцями за традиційні цінності. “Запропоновані “Грузинською мрією” поправки […]

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Ознака, яка може збільшити ризик смерті на 46% протягом 10 років

Хід вашого життя схильний до безлічі випадковостей. Наприклад, ви не можете з абсолютною впевненістю передбачити, що вас не спіткає доля хронічного захворювання чи катастрофічної травми. Тим не менш, прогрес у розумінні ознак, які найбільш передбачувані відповідно для довголіття та смерті, є. Щодо останнього, одним із найдивовижніших предикторів є втрата нюху. Дослідження показали зв’язок між втратою […]

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Соціальний фактор, який також шкідливий для здоров’я, як куріння

  Забудьте про дієти та фізичні вправи. Хороші відносини можуть бути настільки ж важливими для ризику серйозних проблем зі здоров’ям, таких як інсульт і рак. Незалежно від того, чи є у вас чудовий, підтримуючий партнер чи найкращий друг, який завжди готовий вислухати, соціальні відносини відіграють ключову роль не тільки у вашому психічному, а й у […]

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Renault інвестує 350 мільйонів доларів у новий пікап

Renault Group інвестує 350 мільйонів доларів в Аргентині у створення нового півтонного пікапа, однієї з восьми глобальних моделей, анонсованих у 2023 році в рамках нової міжнародної стратегії. Пікап базуватиметься на концепті Niagara, чотиридверному пікапі з позашляховими елементами стилю, включаючи захист, світлову панель і багажник на даху, а також розширення крил. Він буде створений на основі […]

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How Mercury went all-out to honor Diana Taurasi before possible retirement

If this is it, the Phoenix Mercury will have honored Diana Taurasi in her final game. The previous two weeks the Mercury have teased a possible Taurasi retirement. As the doors opened, waves of Mercury fans filled the seats and cheered for Taurasi for possibly the final time. On Thursday against the Seattle Storm, head […]

The post How Mercury went all-out to honor Diana Taurasi before possible retirement appeared first on ClutchPoints.

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Hard-up households urged to look out for letter with details of £150 free energy bill discount for this winter

HARD-UP households need to keep an eye out for letters arriving on doormats in the coming weeks about a £150 energy bill discount.

The Warm Home Discount (WHD) is a £150 reduction on your electricity or gas bill applied by energy firms once a year.

a man in a grey shirt is reading an envelope
The Warm Home Discount is applied by energy firms once a year[/caption]

In the vast majority of cases, you will receive the discount automatically and don’t need to apply.

Letters are also sent to households eligible for the discount to let them know when to expect it.

The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero administers the WHD each year and has confirmed to The Sun most letters should be received between October and December this year.

If you are eligible and have not received a letter by early January, you should check your energy account to see if it has been credited the £150.

If not, you should contact the Warm Home Discount helpline. This number will be available via the Government’s website from October.

Households in England and Wales qualify for the WHD if they fall into two groups – “core group 1” and “core group 2”.

Core group 1 is those receiving the Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit who are guaranteed the discount.

Core group 2 is those receiving any number of benefits and having what’s known as a high energy cost score.

The list of benefits that puts you into core group 2 is: Housing Benefit, income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), Income Support, the “Savings Credit” part of Pension Credit and Universal Credit.

You may also qualify if your household income falls below a certain threshold and you get tax credits.

Your energy cost score is based on the type, age and size of your property and is assessed by the Government.

Households in Scotland don’t have to apply for WHD if they are on the Guarantee Credit part of Pension Credit.

However, if you fall outside this group, you have to apply directly via your energy supplier.

How and when is the WHD paid?

The discount is usually applied between October and March, typically as a credit on your account depending on how you pay for your energy.

The £150 is usually deducted from your electricity bill, but you can also get the money off your gas bill, if your supplier provides both your gas and electricity.

You should get in touch with your energy supplier to ask if they will give you a discount on your gas bill.

If you are a direct debit customer or smart prepayment meter customer, you should get the £150 automatically added as credit on your account.

Traditional prepayment meter customers are sent top-up vouchers by post, email or text. You may also receive a cheque.

You have 90 days to redeem any vouchers, but your supplier can reissue you one if it gets lost or expires.

Any vouchers have to be redeemed at your nearest Post Office branch or PayPoint shop.

Other help to pay for energy bills

If you don’t qualify for the Warm Home Discount, you might be able to get help via the Household Support Fund.

The fund was due to close at the end of this month but it has been extended until next spring, with a further £421million added to the pot.

The £421million pot has been shared between councils in England who then have to allocate their portion.

That means what you can get, and who is eligible, depends on where you live.

However, in most cases, help is offered to those who are on benefits, a low income or classed as vulnerable.

To find out if you are eligible, contact your local council and see what help is on offer.

You can find what council area you fall under by using the Government’s council locator tool on its website.

Beyond the Household Support Fund, you may also be able to get a grant on your energy bills if you have fallen into debt.

A number of energy firms offer help to customers worth up to £2,000 including British Gas, Octopus Energy and OVO.

Why the Warm Home Discount is as important as ever

The Warm Home Discount is back for another year, and it is an important as ever.

Consumer reporter Sam Walker explains why.

Millions of pensioners have seen their winter fuel payments scrapped this year after the Government made it means-tested.

The up to £300 payment used to be available to anyone of state pension age, currently 66, or older.

However, you now only qualify if you receive one of the following: Pension Credit, Universal Credit, income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), Income Support, or tax credits.

The eligibility for the Warm Home Discount is the same, except those on Housing Benefit qualify for the WHD but not the winter fuel payment.

In any case, with energy bills rising from October 1, the WHD has never been more important to thousands of households struggling with the cost of living.

Do you have a money problem that needs sorting? Get in touch by emailing money-sm@news.co.uk.

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Battleground state polls spell good news for Trump | Reporter Replay

The latest swath of battleground surveys suggests Donald Trump will return to the White House — and swing-state voters will pave the way. Emerson College polling conducted between Sept. 15 and 18 in seven electoral battlegrounds finds the former president leads in five and would get 281 electoral votes if this map holds up, pushing...

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