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Mystery of ‘alien song’ heard coming from deepest point on Earth SOLVED after eerie audio from 36,000ft Mariana Trench

THE mystery of an “alien song” heard coming from the deepest point on Earth has finally been revealed.

The Mariana Trench is one of the most mysterious places on Earth, measuring over 36,000ft deep.

a large hole in the middle of the ocean
The Mariana Trench is the deepest known point on Earth’s surface[/caption]
the sun is shining through the bubbles in the water
The trench measures over 36,000ft deep[/caption]

The trench sits at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and is so hard to reach only a select few have ever been able to venture down there.

Bizarre noises emerging from the trench were first recorded a decade ago and fears of alien life sprung up as a response.

They lasted between 2.5 and 3.5 seconds and were dubbed “Biotwangs”.

They were deep moans at extremely low frequencies like 38 hertz and a had a sharp finish that pushed as high as a whopping 8,000 hertz – but their source remained unknown for years.

In 2016, experts believed it could be a mating call from a Baleen whale, but no one was ever certain due to the randomness of the noises.

Sharon Nieukirk, a marine bioacoustics expert at Oregon State said: “If it’s a mating call, why are we getting it year round? That’s a mystery.”

The sound is “very distinct, with all these crazy parts” she added.

Now, after reanalysing the sounds, experts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) believe they finally have an answer.

Instead of the noise being produced by Baleen whales, a new study suggests that Bryde’s whales could be responsible.

These kind of creatures can be found around warm, temperate oceans worldwide like the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific.

The researchers saw 10 of the whales swimming in the area and consequently recorded nine making the distinctive noises.

But to prove the Bryde’s were the source of the alien-like clamour, experts used artificial intelligence.

In the study published in Frontiers in Marine Science, the team said: “It was assumed to be produced by a baleen whale, but without visual verification it was impossible to assign a species.

“Using a combination of visual and acoustic survey data collected in the Mariana Archipelago, we determined that Biotwangs are produced by Bryde’s whales.

“We used a combination of manual and machine learning annotation methods to detect Biotwangs in our extensive historical passive acoustic monitoring datasets collected across the central and western North Pacific.

“We identified a consistent seasonal presence of Biotwangs in the Mariana Archipelago and to the east at Wake Island, with occasional occurrence as far away as the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and near the equator (Howland Island).”

While it remains unconfirmed why the whales do this, expert Dr Allen told Popular Science that the creatures could be using the Biotwang as a contact call.

The expert called it “a sort of “Marco Polo” of the ocean” but said they’d “need more information” before confirming.

a large whale is swimming in the ocean
A new study suggests that Bryde’s whales are responsible for the noise[/caption]
a whale with its mouth open is surrounded by seagulls
The whales could be using the Biotwang as a contact call[/caption]

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Who is Mark Robinson’s wife Yolanda? Meet the Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina’s spouse

MARK Robinson, the lieutenant governor of North Carolina and top Donald Trump ally, has reportedly described himself as a ‘black Nazi’.

Here we get to know the under-fire Republican’s wife — Yolanda Hill Robinson.

Facebook / GreenStreetBaptist
Both Yolanda Hill Robinson and her husband Mark Robinson have been at the centre of their own scandals in 2024[/caption]

Who is Mark Robinson’s wife Yolanda?

Yolanda Hill Robinson is the wife of Mark Robinson, the current Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina and Republican gubernatorial candidate in the November 5, 2024 election.

Before entering public life, she earned both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in accounting from the University of North Carolina, Greensborough.

In August 2024, the couple addressed a personal abortion experience.

In 1989, before their marriage, Robinson paid for his future wife to have an abortion.

This revelation came to light in the context of Robinson’s strong anti-abortion stance as a politician.

In 2024, the Robinson campaign also released an ad featuring the couple discussing this personal experience.

Hill Robinson has been a prominent figure in her own right, particularly due to her involvement with a controversial nonprofit organization.

The Robinson family has faced numerous financial challenges over the years:

  • They filed for bankruptcy three times — in 1998, 1999, and 2003
  • The family lost a home to foreclosure and a previous daycare business
  • In 2012, the Robinsons were evicted from a rental home for failing to pay $2,000 in rent
  • Mark Robinson had issues with unpaid vehicle taxes and federal income taxes

What does Yolanda Hill Robinson do for a living?

Hill Robinson is a trained accountant and former non-profit executive, but what she is doing for work right now hasn’t been reported.

Hill Robinson was previously the chief officer of a charity called Balanced Nutrition Inc.

This organization assisted daycare centres to secure federal funding in order to feed low-income children through the Child and Adult Food Care Program.

Balanced Nutrition Inc. has been the subject of significant scrutiny and regulatory action.

In April 2024, Hill Robinson announced the closure of the nonprofit, citing her husband’s busy schedule as the reason.

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) conducted a compliance review of Balanced Nutrition Inc., revealing several issues.

The nonprofit was ordered to repay over $132,000 for what regulators deemed unauthorized expenditures.

Mark Robinson for Governor Campaign ad “Unscripted”
Mark Robinson and Yolanda Robinson Hill seen here in a still from the campaign ad titled ‘Unscripted’[/caption]

Regulators identified “serious deficiencies” including inadequate documentation and failure to submit legitimate claims.

The organization failed to disclose and obtain approval for Hill Robinson’s daughter’s employment.

Balanced Nutrition Inc’s operations raised questions about potential conflicts of interest and financial management.

Since 2017, the charity has received approximately $7million in government funding, with substantial salaries paid to Hill, Robinson, and other family members.

When did Yolanda and Mark Robinson get married?

The couple has been married since 1990 and they have two children together.

Their first child, daughter Kimberly, was born in 1990.

The pair’s second — a boy whose name is yet to be reported — was born in 1992.

Daughter Kimberly worked for her mother’s controversial nonprofit Balanced Nutrition Inc.

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Kamala Harris ripped for latest word salad: ‘Let’s come together with the character that we are so proud of about who we are’

Vice President Kamala Harris is being ridiculed over her latest word salads — with many suggesting she even left celebrity supporter Oprah Winfrey looking confused and “lost.” The Democrat’s presidential candidate repeatedly rambled during her star-studded, two-hour virtual rally with Winfrey late Thursday, with the TV host at times prodding her to give straight answers...

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Брехня: ситуації, коли вона допустима або навіть необхідна

Всі брешуть. Брехня — таке ж повсякденне явище, як і пластівці з молоком на сніданок або вибачлива посмішка у відповідь на несмішний жарт товариша. Різниця лише у підході до брехні. Для когось це вимушена необхідність, а для когось — цілком прийнятний засіб досягнення цілей. Неважливо, до якої з цих груп ви належите. Більшості з нас […]

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Вчені виявили новий супервулкан

Планетологи виявили новий вулкан на найбільш вулканічно активному тілі Сонячної системи – супутнику Юпітера Іо. Для цього вони проаналізували знімки приладу JunoCam на борту космічного апарату NASA «Juno». Вчені порівняли знімки, зроблені 1997 року апаратом Galileo, з фотографіями лютого 2024 року, і виявили новий вулканічний осередок. Він розташований на південь від екватора. Іо трохи перевищує […]

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Українські зірки, які з віком стають лише гарнішими довели, що старості не існує

Одні, діставшись пенсійного віку, крехтять і весь час скаржаться на здоров’я, а інші на болячки не зважають. Ротару, Білозір, Кудлай саме з тієї категорії, що з роками не старішають, а навпаки. Софія Ротару – 77 років Багато десятиріч поспіль співачка була жаданою зіркою будь-якого концерту. Після 2022 року Софія Михайлівна відмовилася виходити на сцену категорично. […]

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Королева Маргрете потрапила до лікарні

Фото: instagram.com/detdanskekongehus Маргрете госпіталізували до лікарні після падіння в замку Фреденсборг Королева Маргрете II оголосила про своє зречення від престолу на користь 55-річного сина у новорічному зверненні до нації. Королева Данії Маргрете була госпіталізована після падіння в замку Фреденсборг 19 вересня, повідомляє DailyMail. Її стан стабільний, але вона залишиться в лікарні під наглядом […]

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