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Are you a risk-taker or a ‘play it safe Polly?’ Take the quiz to find out

HOW big a risk taker are you? Are you a ‘Go for it Gary’ or a ‘Play It Safe Polly?’

Take this fun quiz to explore whether you’re someone who throws caution to the wind – literally – by going outside on a cloudy day without a coat.

a person is holding a cell phone that has a low battery
Are you a risk taker and head out with your phone battery running low? Or will you stay in to charge it?[/caption]
a man scratches his head in the rain with the words how big a risk taker are you
Take the fun quiz to see how you rank[/caption]

It comes after research of 2,000 adults revealed the most common daily risks, including eating something past its sell by date, leaving the house with low phone battery, and not taking an umbrella out on a grey day.

Turning up at a restaurant without booking first, crossing the road on a red man and driving through an amber light also appeared on a top 30 list of risks Brits take.

Running from the shower to another room to grab a towel, having a cup of coffee before bed and putting the washing out on the line without checking the weather also featured.

A spokesperson for the Lottoland.co.uk casino, which commissioned the research, said: “We’re a nation of tiny risk-takers.

“Sometimes the chances we take can pay off – like turning up at a fancy restaurant with no booking, or trying your luck at a card game.

“But others, like going out without your bank cards or driving without petrol in the tank, are probably best avoided.

“We like to say what’s life without taking a chance every now and again?

“As long as you’re safe and savvy, adding a dash of harmless risk to your day can make the little wins feel like big ones.”

The research also found 65 per cent consider themselves to be a risk-taker in their daily life.

With 27 per cent often failing to think through the consequences – although 96 per cent have seen a risky situation pay off in the end.

And this left 20 per cent feeling exhilarated and 15 per cent like a winner.

It also emerged Saturday is the most common day to take a chance.

And 20 per cent are most likely to take risks regarding their social life – while only six per cent would take a chance when it comes to their job.

Top 30 little risks:

1.Eaten something past its sell-by date – 55 per cent
2.Left the house with your phone on less than 50 per cent battery – 50 per cent
3.Left the house without an umbrella/coat on a changeable day – 50 per cent
4.Turned up at a restaurant without booking first – 49 per cent
5.Crossed the road when the red man was showing – 45 per cent
6.Not bothered to use suntan lotion – 42 per cent
7.Not picked up a basket when you go to the supermarket – 43 per cent
8.Gone through an amber traffic light – 42 per cent
9.Laughed along when you couldn’t quite hear what someone has said – 42 per cent
10.Left the house without your phone – 42 per cent
11.Ordered something other than ‘your usual’ when eating in a restaurant – 41 per cent
12.Ran from the shower to another room to get your towel – 38 per cent
13.Left windows open in your house when not there – 38 per cent
14.Not closed the curtains or blinds while getting changed – 35 per cent
15.Drunk coffee or tea last thing before going to bed – 35 per cent
16.Turned off your alarm and shut your eyes for ‘one minute’ – 34 per cent
17.Driven with the petrol warning light on – 33 per cent
18.Put the washing out without having checked the weather forecast beforehand – 33 per cent
19.Trusted the travel time given on Google/Apple maps – 27 per cent
20.Not run from a hovering wasp – 27 per cent
21.Spent and not checked your bank balance – 27 per cent
22.Driven against the direction arrows around a car park – 24 per cent
23.Just taking your phone out rather than your cards/wallet to pay for things – 20 per cent
24.Guessed someone’s name when you aren’t quite sure of it – 18 per cent
25.Sat in a reserved seat on the train – 17 per cent
26. Gone out during your parcel/food delivery timeslot – 16 per cent
27. Gone on social media or news sites before you’d seen a massively hyped TV show – 15 per cent
28.Not turned on your house alarm before leaving – 13 per cent
29.Overfilled your hand luggage or used a bag that was too big and hoped it wouldn’t get spotted – 12 per cent
30.Sat in the first-class section of the train when you only had a normal ticket – 10 per cent.

Although 42 per cent wished they were more spontaneous or daring – because 52 per cent think taking little risks makes life a bit more fun, according to those polled via OnePoll.

The spokesperson from Lottoland added: “It’s always thrilling taking a chance on something, especially when it pays off, so it’s no wonder so many feel like a winner with these.

“Who knows what we might all be capable of with a little harmless risk in our lives.”

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Harry & Meghan’s Oprah interview was a disaster for key reason – they didn’t learn from Diana & Andrew, says expert

PRINCE Harry and Meghan Markle’s Oprah interview was a disaster for one reason, claims an expert.

Mark Borkowski appeared on this week’s episode of The Sun’s Royal Exclusive show where he told Royal Editor Matt Wilkinson the Sussexes should have learned from Diana and Andrew.

a man in a suit sits next to a woman in a black dress
Harry and Meghan during their shocking Oprah interview in 2021[/caption]
a close up of a woman 's face with a serious look on her face
Princess Diana during her bombshell interview with Martin Bashir in 1995
a man in a suit and tie looks at the camera
BBC supplied by Pixel8000
Prince Andrew being interviewed by Emily Maitlis of BBC Newsnight in 2019[/caption]

The “disruptive souls” believed they were bigger than the Firm and thought they had complete control over their shocking 2021 TV chat, he said.

When in reality, it completely backfired when Oprah took the lead on the “explosive mistake”.

Mark said: “They were trying to outdo an organisation of the royal household and at the time, the Queen was still alive, giving that advice and she was a wise, wise woman.

“So these disruptive souls who were going to somehow be bigger than the Royal Family themselves, that was a mistake.

“You’re doing a deal and of course you’re talking to one of the most famous interviewers in modern television history.

“There’s no control over it, you’ve done a deal. And you think you’re in control, but you’re not.

“And that was a big mistake. It was so explosive.”

He also told how Harry and Meg should have known a high-profile interview would not go in their favour.

It comes after the late Princess Diana famously told the world, in a chat with Martin Bashir, that she knew then then-Prince Charles was having an affair with his now wife, Camilla.

And in even more speechless events, Prince Andrew infamously told Newsnight, with BBC’s Emily Maitlis, about his links to Jeffrey Epstein – which has since been made into Netflix series Scoop.

Mark added: “The lessons surely were there about mistakes that Diana made in the Bashir interview.

“And there were mistakes in recent history in Andrew given the Maitlis interview.

“They should think ‘How do we do this?’. Less is more.

“The Queen understood, she knew the power and one of the things that I think is one of the greatest statements post that [Oprah] interview was when she said ‘Recollections may vary’.

“It was such a short brilliantly crafted thing and you know that’s the quality of advice at the highest level.

“Coming also from a woman who probably kept the establishment together from years and years of sitting on that throne and understating how to get the balance.

“It was a desperation to tell their story.”

The late Queen released the statement two days after her grandson and his wife gave what they claimed to be their side to Oprah.

Her full, unprecedented response read: “The whole family is saddened to learn the full extent of how challenging the last few years  have been for Harry and Meghan. 

“The issues raised, particularly that of race, are concerning.  Whilst some recollections may vary, they are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately. 

“Harry, Meghan  and Archie will always be much loved family members.”

Senior members of the Royal Family – including the Queen, Prince Charles and Prince William – were said to be locked in crisis talks after it aired in the US.

Similar talks were said to have been had after Diana’s bombshell interview.

Diana was still part of the monarchy – but only just after she and Charles legally separated three years before.

Her scandalous interview was kept a total secret from Buckingham Palace – and within a month of it being broadcast, the Queen wrote to both Diana and Charles personally advising them to divorce.

She dropped a number of bombshells as she opened up about her life as a member of the Royal Family – similar to that of Meghan.

And after Epstein’s sex scandal hit and Andrew’s interview was made public, he dashed to Balmoral to have words with his mother the Queen.

During his notorious sit-down chat, Andrew said that he could not have had sex with 17-year-old Virginia Giuffre because on the day she alleged it happened, he was at Pizza Express in Woking for a kids’ party with daughter Beatrice.

He also insisted that he could not have “sweated profusely” due to a medical condition he claims to have developed while serving in the Falklands War as a Navy helicopter pilot.

The Sussexes have been contacted for comment.

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John Barrowman’s incredible five figure salary for just 32 minutes work on Celeb SAS Who Dares Wins revealed

JOHN Barrowman’s incredible five figure salary for just 32 minutes work on Celeb SAS Who Dares Wins has been revealed.

Famed for his role on Doctor Who and Torchwood, he told cameras he joined the show in order to “prove himself”.

a man in a blue jacket stands next to another man
John Barrowman’s incredible five figure salary for just 32 minutes work on Celeb SAS Who Dares Wins has been revealed[/caption]
a man in a camouflage jacket stands in front of a mountain
Barrowman is currently the only member to withdraw from this year’s series[/caption]

However, after trying just one of the tasks, he voluntarily withdrew (VW) from the series less than an hour after arriving at base camp.

And it’s now been revealed that the star received a hefty pay cheque to do so.

John banked a huge £30,000 for his Celeb SAS Who Dares Wins appearance, according to MailOnline.

This would therefore work out at £937.50 per minute for his appearance.

The Sun has approached John’s representatives for comment.

The star had only just been given his armband to mark the start of his journey, being marked as ‘Number 13’ after failing to impress in the first challenge.

But as the cast lined up to enter their bunks, Barrowman started to retch, and then immediately tore his armband off, threw it on the ground and walked away.

His fellow recruits and the DS staff were left in shock at the move, with staff Jason Fox asking, “Hang on, hang on, you’ve not called out. Are you VWing?”

“Yeah I’m VW. I’m out!” he yelled back, before vomiting in a corner.

Billy Billingham went to check on the star, asking if he needed to see a doctor, but Barrowman refused.

“What do you mean you’re done? You’ve only just got here, why?” Billy asked.

“I know. I just… I’m done,” he responded, and when Billy pushed further Barrowman declared; “I said I’m out!”

Celebrity SAS Who Dares Wins winners

Many celebrities have attempted the infamous Channel 4 quasi military training course - but only a select few have successfully passed.

Series 1 (2019) – Wayne Bridge

Series 2 (2020) – Locksmith and Lauren Steadman

Series 3 (2021) – Alexandra Burke, Aled Davies and Wes Nelson

Series 4 (2022) – AJ Pritchard, Calum Best, Ferne McCann and Maisie Smith

Series 5 (2023) – Gareth Gates

“I just… it’s not for me,” he added. “I know who I am. I know what I’m about, and it’s not for me.”

Back at base camp, DS Chris Oliver told the rest of the celebs: “Listen, stick together. Hate us as much as you want. Doing epic s*** like we’ve done today, you’ll grow.

“You’ve just seen that sack of s*** out there, just handed these for band in and gone.

“You leave that gate when it’s time for you to leave, and you’ll be a better person. Trust us.”

Fans of the show were left gobsmacked at Barrowman’s quick withdrawal, and shared their frustrations about it on X.

“Strange decision from john barrowman,” wrote one, while another declared him as “absolutely pathetic”.

“Goes all the way to New Zealand. Quits in seconds. What the hell. Waste of money and time,” said another.

On the show, the group were quickly thrown in the deep end by being made to walk across two steel bars, suspended 300ft in the air over a ravine.

They were then put through a ‘hostage rescue’ scenario.

Barrowman is currently the only member to withdraw from this year’s series.

He’s since revealed why he actually quit the show – and it was all down to food preference.

His exit was not explained on the Channel 4 show — but singer and actor John has blamed it on eating vegan sandwiches.

The 57-year-old, who lost his ITV judging role in 2021 over flashing allegations, said it had been the only food offered before the first task in New Zealand.

He told The Sun: “I’m not a vegan or a vegetarian, but they made everybody eat vile tofu.

“I would never eat tofu in my life, but you’re so hungry, you just eat it.”

Barrowman, who has motion sickness, then endured a two-hour car journey to the site of the task.

He said “Then it was projectile vomit everywhere and the tofu came up.

“I thought, ‘I’m not going to make myself ill or hurt myself in order to try to prove something that I don’t need to prove’. 

“And it was seriously me going: ‘I am completely comfortable with who I am.

“I’m completely a happy person.

“We’ve all got our issues and problems, but I’ve made a mistake.’”

a man wearing a helmet is standing on a metal structure with his arms outstretched
He immediately tore his armband off threw it on the ground and walked away[/caption]

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Sven-Goran Eriksson reveals colleague who he ‘always thought was a piece of s***’ during England spell in tell-all book

SVEN GORAN-ERIKSSON has revealed the colleague he “always thought was a piece of s**” during his England tenure.

The former Three Lions boss sadly passed away last month after a battle with cancer.

a man and a woman are posing for a picture while holding wine glasses
Instagram @nancydellolio
Sven-Goran Eriksson branded a former FA co-worker a ‘piece of s***’[/caption]
a man is hugging a woman in a black dress
Instagram @nancydellolio
A new book lifts the lid on Eriksson’s several affairs while he was with Nancy Dell’Olio[/caption]
a woman in a purple dress smiles in front of a crowd of people
Eriksson was seeing Ulrika Jonsson during his time as England boss[/caption]

Eriksson revealed his diagnosis at the start of the year.

And tributes came from all over the football world, with stars like David Beckham among the attendees at his recent funeral in Sweden.

Now, a new tell-all book is set to be published lifting the lid on Eriksson’s life.

Titled ‘A Wonderful Journey’, it will even talk about his raunchy love life from the Swede’s perspective.

Eriksson had affairs with Ulrika Jonsson and Faria Alam during his relationship with Nancy Dell’Olio, which ended in 2007

Alam was a working as a secretary for the FA at the time their affair was revealed in 2004.

And she also had an affair with FA chief executive Mark Palios, which was not publicly known back then.

Eriksson claims he was advised by the FA to do an interview with now-defunct paper News of the World about his relationship with Alam.

But they warned him not to make any mention of her affair to Palios, leaving Eriksson fuming.

And according to Swedish outlet Expressen, he used the occasion to brand Palios a “piece of s***” in a conversation with then-FA director of communications Colin Gibson.

a woman in a white jacket stands in front of a glass door
Sven had a high-profile affair with then-FA secretary Faria Alam[/caption]
two men are speaking into microphones in front of a wall with pepsi and carlsberg advertisements
Alam also had an affair with ex-FA CEO Mark Palios, who Eriksson blasted in his book[/caption]

Eriksson said: “I would be sacrificed to save Mark Palios’ skin.

“I told Colin Gibson that he was a piece of s*** and that I had always thought so.

“He knew that, we never got along well.”

Eriksson claims Gibson did not last much longer in his job, with reports later alleging he offered to reveal all the details of the Swede’s affair with Alam in return for keeping Palios’ relationship secret.

Palios resigned from his role when news of his affair with Alam broke.


1977 – Having played football professionally in Sweden, Sven-Goran Eriksson kicked off his managerial career with Swedish side Degerfors.

2000 – He guided Lazio to the Serie A title to become one of the hottest coaches in the world.

2001 – Following the resignation of Kevin Keegan, he was appointed England’s next permanent manager in February 2001. He oversaw 66 games with the Three Lions, winning 39 and losing just 12.

2002 – Eriksson led England to the 2002 World Cup with the likes of Steven Gerrard, Paul Scholes and David Beckham in his squad. The Three Lions were knocked out in the quarter-finals.

2004 – The legendary manager also led the Three Lions to Euro 2004, but they were knocked out of the quarter-finals to Portugal.

2006 – Eriksson led England to another World Cup, his final tournament in charge, before resigning.

2007 – The Swede took charge of Manchester City a year after leaving the England job and oversaw 45 games.

2010 – Having coached Mexico, Ivory Coast and Notts County after parting ways with Man City, Erikson took charge of Leicester and saved them from relegation. Following his time with the Foxes he went on to manage China and Philippines.

2024 – In January 2024, Eriksson announced he had been diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. Three months later, he fulfilled a lifelong dream of managing Liverpool in a legends match at Anfield, before passing away in August.

Neither Gibson nor Palios has commented on Eriksson’s claims.

But Eriksson maintains he himself did nothing wrong when he was seeing Alam.

He added: “The paparazzi photographers never got any pictures of me and Faria Alam.

“I was very careful, we never met at her house or mine. But the press started digging, friends of her contacted.

“Someone knew, someone gossiped. I suspected that it was Faria herself and I felt both betrayed and cursed.

“I have been asked many times if I regret meeting Faria Alam and Ulrika Jonsson. Well, if I had known what would come of it, then I might have called it all off. 

“But morally, I don’t understand. Shouldn’t I, just because I was the national team manager, get to meet and have a relationship with whoever I wanted?”


Matches 67

Wins 40

Draws 17

Losses 10

Win percentage 59.7

World Cup 2002

Lost 2-1 to Brazil in quarter-final

Euros 2004

Lost on penalties to Portugal in quarter-final

World Cup 2006

Lost on penalties to Portugal in quarter-final

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Luke Littler bags hat-trick in just his second game of the season in favourite hobby after skipping darts tournaments

AFTER completing a hat-trick of trophies on the Darts Euro Tour circuit Luke Littler has now scored another.

But this time it was in a totally different game… EA FC 25 Pro Clubs.

luke littler pro club instagram story
Luke Littler posted his hat-trick triumph on his Instagram story
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Kevin Manning/Action Plus/REX/Shutterstock (14612690bu) Luke Littler of England makes a fist pump after winning a leg in the semi final; 10th August 2024, Win Sports and Entertainment Centre, Wollongong, Australia; 2024 PDC Australian Darts Masters Day 2. Australian Darts Masters, Wollongong, Australia - 10 Aug 2024
The 17-year-old darts sensation is a huge footie fan

When he’s not busy competing, Littler loves to chill out by playing EA FC – and the newest version was just released.

Littler has tried his hand at playing EA FC 25 and posted about his latest triumph on Instagram.

The darts sensation wrote: “It’s only took the Nuke two games to bag his first hat-trick of the season, up the girth. And a 7-0 win.”

The mode enables gamers to control one player during an online match, teaming up with other people from around the world.

This comes as a bit of a shock after Littler withdrew from two darts competitions over the last week.

The Wigan sportsman pulled out of the Hungarian Darts Trophy, for an unknown reason over the weekend, later won by Michael van Gerwen.

And has since withdrawn from the latest Players Championship on Tuesday.

Fans jumped to conclusions that he dropped out of the first tournament to play Pro Clubs, formally on Fifa.


They couldn’t help but notice Littler’s absence came at the same time as the early access release of EA FC 25.

The darts star decided to stir the pot, commenting under the post: “What a coincidence.”

Titles won by Luke Littler this year

  • 2024 Players Championship 20
  • 2024 World Series of Darts Champion
  • 2024 PDC Players Championship 15 Winner
  • 2024 Poland Darts Masters Champion
  • 2024 Premier League Champion
  • 2024 PDC Austrian Darts Open Champion
  • 2024 PDC Belgian Darts Open Champion
  • 2024 PDC Bahrain Darts Masters Champion

Perhaps Littler is taking some much needed rest before a packed winter schedule, which will see him attempt to go one better than last year’s World Darts Championship.

The teenager has enjoyed a meteoric rise since losing the final to Luke Humphries at Ally Pally in January.

He recently opened up on his “biggest buy” after winning a NINTH PDC title of the year with the Players Championship.

The teenager has walked away with a stunning £625,000 in prize money since January.

But saw his unbeaten run of 15 matches ended by World No.70 Maik Kuivenhoven earlier last week.

Inside Littler's massive rise

LUKE LITTLER has taken the darts world by storm since exploding onto the scene at the PDC World Championship at the beginning of the year.

The Nuke reached the final on his Ally Pally debut at just 16 years of age – smashing records along the way.

He has then gone on to win a host of PDC events and the Premier League title – which he claimed at the O2 Arena by beating world champion Luke Humphries in May.

He also finished his first season in the World Series as the No1 ranked player.

He has joined Jude Bellingham on the Forbes 30 Under 30 Europe list.

And the teenage titan even had to snub an invite from the WWE.

The Sun exclusively revealed that Littler is plotting to create a fitness empire.

He is also cashing in away from the Oche thanks to an Instagram side hustle.

And he’s even the face of a brand new cereal.

But he is newly single after splitting from girlfriend Eloise Milburn following a 10-month relationship.

Check out all of our latest Luke Littler stories.

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“I don’t really watch…”: Game of Thrones Star Michelle Fairley Swears By Johnny Depp’s Million-dollar Philosophy About Acting

Game of Thrones star Michelle Fairley is one of the most renowned British actors around. Other than the fantasy drama, where she played the role of Caitlyn Stark, Fairley has been a part of many other projects – TV, movie, and theater included. But even with all her talent and prowess on stage and screen, […]

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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