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‘Couldn’t be happier’ – Irish rocker welcomes new baby and reveals sweet name as fans cry ‘she is absolutely beautiful’

IRISH rocker Vinny May Jr has welcomed his third child into the world and revealed her sweet name.

The drummer, who is best known for being a part of Irish Indie rock band Kodaline, has been married to his wife Corina since 2017.

a man with a beard is holding a baby with a heart in the background
Kodaline drummer Vinny May Jr has welcomed his third child
a woman in a black shirt is holding a newborn baby
Vinny and his wife Corina shared the first snaps of their baby girl on Instagram

Vinny and Corina already share two kids together, Louie, one, and Vinny Jr, four.

The musician took to Instagram to share the exciting news about their new baby daughter yesterday as he told followers: “A little over a week ago we welcomed Penny into the world!”

The 34-year-old gushed about his wife as he added: “Couldn’t be happier and more in awe of my amazing wife for everything she went through and for bringing this little lady into the world safe and sound.”

The Dublin star made sure to include that his sons Vinny and Louie are “playing a blinder as big brothers too”.

Vinny finished off his post by thanking all the midwives, doctors and nurses who helped to take care of “his girls”.

The Irish star then attached a series of snaps of himself, Corina and baby Penny after she was born in the hospital.

Corina looked happy as ever as she fed her little one for the first time while sitting up in the hospital bed.

Vinny gave a warm smile to the camera as he held Penny in his arms and snuggled her in another photo.

The couple grinned as they introduced Vinny Jr and Louie to their baby sister as she looked up at them.

Fans and friends all flocked to the comment section to congratulate the couple on their beautiful baby girl with many obsessing over the “gorgeous name”.

Phil wrote: “Fantastic news Vinny, congratulations to you both and love the name.”

Lara said: “Congratulations. Delighted for yous!!! Hope Carina is doing well!!!”

Laura added: “Ahhh what a lovely name. Congratulations to you both.”

And Carin remarked: “Huge congrats cannot wait to meet her!!”

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Florence Pugh Finds it ‘Very Painful’ to Read ‘Nasty’ Weight Comments

Florence Pugh can get disheartened by the flurry of “nasty” comments about her weight. “It’s so hard. [The internet’s] a very mean place,” Pugh, 28, told British Vogue in a profile published on Wednesday, September 18. “It’s really painful to read people being nasty about my confidence or nasty about my weight. It never feels […]

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Поповнити нестачу цинку допомагають деякі продукти

Продукти – джерела важливого мікроелемента цинку можуть бути загальнодоступними: наприклад, його містять гарбузове насіння, какао, печериці. Ці та інші продукти, що допомагають заповнювати нестачу цинку в організмі, перерахувала в інтерв’ю нутриціолога. «Цинк міститься в таких продуктах, як устриці, гарбузове насіння, баранина, яловичина, какао, сочевиця, горіхи кеш’ю, печериці», – повідомила експерт. Нутриціолога зазначила, що для міцного […]

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Як не попастися на вудочку маніпулятора

0 Обережно, проєкція! Якщо вас спіткало нещастя бути поруч з нарцисами ― якщо ви дружите з ними, стикаєтеся на роботі або перебуваєте у стосунках ― вам можна поспівчувати. Ці люди не думають ні про кого, крім себе, і вміло маніпулюють почуттями інших за допомогою улюбленого прийому — проєкції. Розберімося, що це таке і що з […]

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Що ви не повинні нікому пояснювати або доводити

  Існують такі життєві аспекти, які ми схильні порівнювати з іншими або ж шукати чужого підтвердження і схвалення. І це абсолютно неправильний і навіть згубний підхід. Ваші рішення і ваш вибір — це тільки ваша відповідальність, тому немає ніякого сенсу пояснювати або доводити людям (навіть найближчим) наступне: Рішення, які ви приймаєте Це ваше життя і […]

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‘The most expensive frames of any film’: Not Even Tom Cruise Could Do a Stunt Scene That Was Impossible to Shoot Without Dying

Tom Cruise might be the king of death-defying stunts, but even he knows his limits—well, sometimes. In a career full of heart-stopping moments, from hanging off planes to scaling skyscrapers, there’s one scene that left even Cruise tapping out. Yep, this one stunt was so extreme it was deemed impossible to shoot without risking a […]

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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