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Видаляємо плями цвілі молоком, содою та оцтом

Цвіль у приміщенні – не просто неестетичне видовище. Це ще й дуже шкідливо для здоров’я. Тому знищити її потрібно якомога швидше. Забули провітрити ванну кімнаті – і там швидко з’явилися плями цвілі. У спальні випадково виявили, що куток за диваном «цвіте». Утворенню цих непривабливих на вигляд плям на стінах і тканинах сприяє висока вологість у […]

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Навіщо додавати сіль у каву: як це змінює смак напою

Кава рідко вживається у «чистому» вигляді. Найчастіше в цей напій додають додаткові компоненти. Кавовий аромат добре підкреслюється молоком, вершками та цукром. Однак є спеція, яка чудово поєднується з напоєм. Подробиці Йдеться про сіль. Попри очікування вона не зіпсує кави. Навпаки, спеція покращить смак. Переваги «солоної» кави На перший погляд, кава та сіль здаються абсолютно непоєднуваними […]

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У Києві «засвітився» рідкісний автомобіль BMW на крутих номерах (фото)

У Києві засвітився новий BMW M2 другої генерації. В Україні є лише кілька таких купе. Світлини машини опублікували на сторінці t.o.p.c.a.r.s._ua в соціальній мережі Instagram, повідомляє MMR. Автомобіль вирізняється агресивним дизайном із розширеними крилами і масивними бамперами. Баварський спорткар отримав обвіс, випуклий капот, задній спойлер, чотири вихлопні труби, а також 19-дюймові передні та 20-дюймові задні […]

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How clever app can spot deepfake videos in latest battle against ‘lethal’ AI clones on Facebook & YouTube

A CLEVER new tool can sniff out a deepfake video you might be watching online, and alert you that the clip may have been digitally manipulated.

The criminal industry in cyberspace has moved from malware driven attacks, such as password theft, to social engineering scams that utilise AI.

a man and a woman are sitting in front of microphones with a red box that says " ai audio detected "
McAfee says it can detect AI manipulated content with a 96 per cent success rate[/caption]

Software that can recreate digital audio and video clones, known as deepfakes, has grown increasingly sophisticated in the past year.

Experts have previously told The Sun that deepfakes are the “biggest evolving threat” when it comes to cybercrime.

But the Deepfake Detector, recently unveiled by McAfee, is one of the first consumer-focused tools that can alert you of the threat before it fools you completely.

It is an automated tool that scans the videos you watch online in real-time, and sends you a pop-up notification alerting you to the likelihood of that clip including AI generated audio.

McAfee says it can detect AI manipulated content with a 96 per cent success rate, which the company states will only improve as the tool gets smarter.

“Scams are becoming harder to identify as generative AI removes the traditional hallmarks of misspelled words and poor grammar,” Oliver Devane, Senior Security Researcher at McAfee, told The Sun.

“Since deepfakes can look so uncannily real, they make it harder to trust what you watch or listen to online.

“Scammers make use of high-profile people such as celebrities and politicians to gain the trust of their targets as they can make you more vulnerable to scams and disinformation as they can add credibility to scams.”

The Deepfake Detector won’t explicitly tell you that what you’re watching is dangerous or a scam – because it might not be.

YouTubers and influencers often use AI to help create audio for legitimate videos.

It’s up to you to distinguish whether you can trust the video you’re watching or not, such as if it is giving too-good-to-be-true investment advice.

The tool doesn’t yet detect if the video itself has been digitally altered, and it’s not yet available on smartphones where consumers arguably do most of their video watching.

Deepfake voices are often more trusted than images as most people are more forgiving for bad quality video, but their suspicions are raised if the person’s voice doesn’t sound quite right, which is why we started with audio.

Oliver Devane, Senior Security Researcher at McAfee

That being said, McAfee had to start somewhere, according to Devane, who pivoted his focus onto AI last year after nearly two decades in malware research.

“Deepfake voices are often more trusted than images as most people are more forgiving for bad quality video, but their suspicions are raised if the person’s voice doesn’t sound quite right, which is why we started with audio,” he said.

“Scammers also pull on emotions and try to catch people when their guard is down, for example a phone call out of the blue from a loved one in distress is more likely to make someone believe the deepfake is actually them.”

Generative AI can make threats “much more lethal” without having to put any extra work in, Devane said at a recent briefing unveiling the new product.

That’s why deepfake defence tools like McAfee’s will only grow more intelligent, and more common in the wider cybersecurity industry.

The only downside is that most people can’t buy it yet.

McAfee’s Deepfake Detector is only available on hardware, like Lenovo’s new line of laptops, as well as an upcoming line of Asus devices.

What are the arguments against AI?

Artificial intelligence is a highly contested issue, and it seems everyone has a stance on it. Here are some common arguments against it:

Loss of jobs – Some industry experts argue that AI will create new niches in the job market, and as some roles are eliminated, others will appear. However, many artists and writers insist the argument is ethical, as generative AI tools are being trained on their work and wouldn’t function otherwise.

Ethics – When AI is trained on a dataset, much of the content is taken from the Internet. This is almost always, if not exclusively, done without notifying the people whose work is being taken.

Privacy – Content from personal social media accounts may be fed to language models to train them. Concerns have cropped up as Meta unveils its AI assistants across platforms like Facebook and Instagram. There have been legal challenges to this: in 2016, legislation was created to protect personal data in the EU, and similar laws are in the works in the United States.

Misinformation – As AI tools pulls information from the Internet, they may take things out of context or suffer hallucinations that produce nonsensical answers. Tools like Copilot on Bing and Google’s generative AI in search are always at risk of getting things wrong. Some critics argue this could have lethal effects – such as AI prescribing the wrong health information.

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Watch chilling moment car thief attempts to steal £130,000 Aston Martin from driveway using bizarre cloning device

THIS is the chilling moment a car thief allegedly attempts to steal an Aston Martin worth £130,000 from its owner’s driveway.

In footage captured by the owner’s Ring security camera, the suspected crook can be seen trying to gain access to the pricey motor by cloning the key.

a ring camera shows a man jumping in the air
Jam Press/@CrimeLdn
A thief can be seen attempting to steal an Aston Martin by cloning the key[/caption]
a man is standing in front of a car with a red circle around him
Jam Press/@CrimeLdn
The suspected crook allegedly tried to steal a £130,000 Aston Martin from a driveway[/caption]

The silver Aston Martin – which appears to be the Vantage model, capable of 202mph and can hit 0-60mph in just 3.5 seconds – is seen parked up.

The man, whos’ decked out in black and wearing a balaclava, can be seen holding a cable up above his head near the house.

Moving around the driveway, it’s clear that he is attempting to pick up a signal.

But he leaves empty handed as the one minute and 32 second CCTV footage comes to an end.

The incident, which happened at 5:05am on September 10 in Southgate, London, is just another example of an attempted keyless car theft.

Simple methods to protect your motor in 2024

By Jacob Jaffa

EXPERTS have shared three effective methods to protect your motor in 2024 after thefts hit an all-time high last year.

Security specialists from Swansway Motor Group, a family-owned dealership brand based in Cheshire, shared the handy tips and emphasised the importance of “strategic thinking” to stay one step ahead of criminals.

Data from LV General found that 2023 was the worst year on record for car thefts, making it more important than ever to know how to keep your vehicle safe.

Fortunately the team at Swansway have all the tricks you need.

First of all, they urged drivers to consider “strategic parking” to both make the car harder to steal and make it a less attractive target.

Thieves are more likely to try and pinch motors that are out of the way and in non-secure spaces.

Instead, try and store yours in a locked garage, barrier-protected car park or, at least, a well-lit street, preferably with CCTV coverage.

This will make it much harder to make off with it without being spotted.

The second tip is to use “old-fashioned” visual deterrents.

Things like steering wheel locks and distinctive custom markings or bright paintwork can make it more time-consuming to actually steal the car and harder to conceal it afterwards.

Even keeping your car very clean can put off any shady characters as opportunistic thieves tend to target neglected vehicles on the basis that they won’t be missed.

Finally, the experts also shared a nifty trick for combatting a more modern and sinister form of theft.

The rise of keyless ignition has led to the increasing chance of “relay thefts“, where criminals intercept the signal by which your key fob communicates with your car and replicate it, as good as handing them the keys.

Fortunately, this can be easily prevented by keeping your fob in a Faraday pouch, which blocks wireless signals, when not in use.

A Swansway spokesperson said: “Faraday pouches are a simple, yet highly effective tool.

“By shielding your car keys from external signals, these pouches prevent remote signal interceptions, a common method used by modern thieves to gain access to vehicles without needing the physical key.”

The footage was later posted to social media, with a number of viewers commenting on the man’s attempts.

One local said: “What’s he doing with his hands up in the air?

“Surrendering before the police turn up?”

Another joked: “First Southgate loses his job, now someone wants to nick his motor.”

A third questioned: “What is he even doing?”

One quipped: “I thought he was performing a street dance with a coat hanger.”

A fifth added: “Legend has it he is still standing there and walking around.”

A cop source said: “The car was not stolen and relates to fraud incident.”

The Met Police were approached for a comment but declined.

This comes as footage emerged of thieves getting into another keyless car in just seconds – before an intriguing ‘ghost’ device stopped them in their tracks.

a map showing the percentage of parking danger in each city
Experts have previously revealed some of the UK’s hotspots for car theft
a ring camera shows a man walking in a parking lot
Jam Press/@CrimeLdn
The 202mph Aston, finished in silver, can be seen on the driveway[/caption]
a man in a hooded jacket is laying on a brick sidewalk with a date stamp of 10/09/2024
Jam Press/@CrimeLdn
The crook is holding his hands in the air while holding a device[/caption]
a ring camera shows cars parked in a driveway at night
Jam Press/@CrimeLdn
Having failed to gain access to the motor, he sets off in the night[/caption]

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90 Day Fiancé: Chantel’s Family Was Not the Only Victim of Pedro Jimeno’s Lies Who Even Lied About His Feelings For Coraima Morla

Fans of 90 Day Fiancé and The Family Chantel must be well aware of how Pedro Jimeno and Chantel Everett’s tumultuous marriage came to an end after the latter learned about her husband’s lies and treachery. But surprisingly, Everett and her family weren’t the only people who became victims of Jimeno’s cold and calculated moves […]

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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Jenna Dewan Reveals Which ‘The Rookie’ Scene Scared Daughter Everly

Jenna Dewan is happy her eldest daughter, Everly, is a fan of her show The Rookie — but one of her treacherous stunts almost turned the 11-year-old off it for good. “It’s funny, we just started watching it because [I] had all these 10-year-olds coming up to me and saying, ‘I love The Rookie,’” Dewan, […]

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