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Зберігайте червоний буряк із максимальною користю

  Багатьом знайома ситуація, коли буряк викопали гарний, соковитий, а він пару місяців у підвалі полежить і стає десь в’ялим, десь гнилим і точно не таким смачним, як улітку. Подробиці Саме тому треба нагадати, що морозити на зиму можна не тільки ягоди й фрукти, а й овочі. Ми звикли до мороженої моркви, кабачків, горошку і […]

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10 ранніх симптомів деменції, які не можна ігнорувати

Якщо регулярно забуваєте потрібне слово або відчуваєте, що стали занадто недовірливі, – це привід завітати до лікаря. Деменцію часто плутають з втратою пам’яті. Але забудькуватість, навіть в клінічній стадії, – лише один із симптомів старечого недоумства. Мало того, не обов’язковий. При деменції пошкоджуються або руйнуються клітини головного мозку. Причому спочатку в різних його частинах. У […]

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Тіна Кароль уперше переклала російськомовний хіт

Українська співачка Тіна Кароль, яка раніше була категорично проти виконання своїх старих російськомовних хітів у перекладі українською, несподівано виконала нову версію композиції «Скандал». На фан-сторінці артистки в соцмережах оприлюднили уривок із концерту у Вінниці, який відбувся 19 вересня в Академічному музично-драматичному театрі ім. М. Садовського. У ролику Тіна у чорному топі-бюстьє та чорних штанах співає приспів: […]

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Мурахи-мутанти заполонили південь Німеччини: чим вони небезпечні

Вид мурах-«чужинців» масово поширюється півднем Німеччини. Поблизу людських поселень комахи спричиняють перебої в електропостачанні, пошкоджують сади та «підкопують» дитячі майданчики. Мурахи виду Tapinoma Magnum, які заполонили південь Німеччини, – інвазивні для тамтешньої екосистеми, тобто можуть шкодити місцевій флорі та фауні, інформує The Bild. Вони походять з країн Середземноморського басейну. Спершу комахи «вторглися» у Швейцарію, звідки […]

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Loose Women’s Frankie Bridge reveals she blew pop star fortune as a teen saying ‘I wish I had some of it now’

LOOSE Women panelist Frankie Bridge has revealed she blew her pop star fortune as a teenager and admitted: “I wish I had some of it now”.

Frankie. 35, is best known for being a singer in The Saturdays – one of the most successful girl bands to come ot of the UK.

a woman sits in a chair next to a cup that says lyn bridge
Frankie Bridge is now a panelist on ITV’s Loose Women[/caption]
a group of kids posing for a picture in front of a wall that says disney channel
She started working aged 12 in S Club Juniors – pictured here with the band on the right – and says she hasn’t got any money from those days to show for it[/caption]
a group of young people posing for a picture with one wearing a shirt that says ' abercrombie & fitch ' on it
The band included Rochelle Hulmes, bottom centre, who is now a presenter on ITV[/caption]
a group of women singing into microphones on a stage
Getty - Contributor
Frankie joined The Saturdays and were a huge success after supporting Girls Aloud on tour[/caption]

Before that, she was a member of noughties group S Club Juniors which she joined when she was just 12 years old.

She was given access to her wages from the band when she was a teenager, and was allowed to splash the cash, admitting her parents didn’t want to restrict her because she had worked so hard.

Frankie explained how she didn’t save any money while speaking on Spencer Matthew’s Big Fish podcast.

She said: “It was tough in that I think, because parents were involved. We were so young and doing what we were doing, loving what we were doing.”

Asked what happened with her finances, she said: “I don’t have anything to show for it anymore, I think that’s one of my biggest regrets.”

Frankie continued: “I think my parents always felt that they allowed me to work from such a young age that they were unable to tell me what to use my money for and what to spend it on.

“We didn’t have loads and loads.”

Asked if she was paid, she replied: “Yeah of course, I was in control of it to a certain extent. I remember I had my own bank card. I think I only just closed it down like last week …

“They helped me to invest little bits. But at the time I had no mortgage, no bills, no nothing, I wasn’t really thinking about it. But when I look back it wasn’t as much money as I thought it was.

“It would have been nice to has some of it left.”

Frankie explained what it was like back in 2001 when she began work as a kid.

She continued: “Legally, they had a real issue with us working, and they made it very difficult and there were loads of rules, but they still taxed us on that money.

“We had chaperones, there was only a certain amount of hours you were allowed to be in front of the camera, certain days you could work, stuff like that.”

Reflecting on her transition into an adult pop star, she revealed she was signed to the Spice Girls’ manager Simon Fuller.

She said: “I had an opportunity afterwards. I was signed on my own for about a year as a solo artist and he wanted me to be the new Rachel Stevens, because she was the thing at the time.

“I felt so lost, I didn’t know what clothes I was into, what music. I was more an Avril Lavigne, a bit more emo. And that was not the style he was going for.

“So there was a year of that and we kind of made an agreement, he was like, ‘go away for a while and figure out what you want to do.’

“I was a bit gutted when that happened but I just knew that it wasn’t right, I hated all the music that they gave me.”

Frankie said it was a blessing, as she got to experience normal life working in retail and in Essex nightclub Sugar Hut.

When she turned 18 she tried to get back into the music biz but she was turned down.

She went on holiday to Zante with her mates, and during the trip she got a call to be part of another group – but initially didn’t want to join “another girlband”.

The Saturdays ended up dominating the charts with hit songs including Up, All Fired Up, Issues and many more.

They formed in 2007 after industry giant Polydor Records held open auditions to form a band.

They were then catapulted to stardom after they supported Girls Aloud for their nationwide Tangled Up tour.

In an exclusive interview with Bizarre in 2022, Una revealed she is still hoping the girl group will one day return.

However, Frankie recently revealed she’d landed a role in a huge film – confessing it’s a “bucket list moment”.

She told fans she has voiced the part of Snowdown the Goose in the upcoming Dreamworks movie The Wild Robot, which stars huge names including Lupita Nyong’o and Pedro Pascal.

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Why Was Lyle Menendez Bald When He Was Only 14, ‘Monsters’ Reveal the Traumatic Hair Hooks Story That Embarassed Lyle Infront of Erik

Ryan Murphy is back at it with Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story, a fresh take on the infamous 1989 double murder of José and Kitty Menendez by their sons. Following the success of his Emmy-winning Jeffrey Dahmer series, Murphy’s latest dives into the darker side of the Menendez brothers that had the entire […]

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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