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Price hike on ALL Irish taxi fares in weeks with €3 pre-book fee increase and Christmas rate extended to weekend peaks

IRISH punters are set for a major blow as taxi prices are to be hiked in just weeks – with a €3 pre-book fee and the Christmas rate extended to weekend peaks.

The National Maximum Taxi Fare will increase by nine per cent on December 1.

a blurred image of a taxi cab at night
The increases will kick in December
Getty Images - Getty

The fee for pre-booking a taxi will also increase from €2.00 to €3.00.

A spokesperson for the National Transport Authority said: “The National Maximum Taxi Fare Review is carried out by the National Transport Authority (NTA) approximately every two years to ensure that taxi fares keep pace with changes in operating costs and to maintain the availability of quality taxi services throughout the country.

“The 2024 Review which was published in July this year found that overall, the costs associated with operating a taxi increased between 2022 and 2024 by approximately 9- 11 per cent. 

“Following public consultation on the increase in operating costs experienced by taxi drivers found in the 2024 review, the Taxi Regulation (Maximum Fares) Order 2024 will increase taxi fares by an average of 9 per cent, weighted across time bands and distances.

“A ‘Special Rate’ currently applies to taxi fares for journeys taken between Christmas Eve 20:00h and St. Stephens Day 08:00h & New Years Eve 20:00h and New Years Day 08:00h.

“Under the determination published today, that Special Rate will be extended to include the weekend peak, 12midnight to 4.00am, on Friday night into Saturday morning and Saturday night into Sunday morning, year-round, in an effort to incentivise more drivers to service the nighttime economy.”

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Bloodborne 2 Has Only One Reason to Get Made and Hidetaka Miyazaki Must Make it Happen for Yharnam

Bloodborne is one of the most popular action-adventure titles of all time. Developed by FromSoftware, this PS4 exclusive title was released in 2015. The game portrays the decrepit Gothic Victorian-era inspired city of Yharnam, which is infested with a blood-borne disease called Yharnamites. This title became huge after its release, as it took a special […]

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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Занадто різні: чи справді протилежності притягують

Закон тяжіння — це фізика. І вона не пояснює вашої тяги до чоловіків, які вам не підходять. Часто до нас звертаються наші протилежності: за ними цікаво спостерігати та вони певною мірою доповнюють нашу неідеальну особистість. Але водночас нас дратують партнери, які голосують за іншу партію на парламентських виборах і віддають перевагу перегляду “Римським канікулам” або […]

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Власники нерухомості Миколаївщини сплатили до місцевих бюджетів 138 млн.грн.

Завдяки постійній цілеспрямованій роботі щодо визначення об’єкта оподаткування податком на нерухоме майно, відмінним від земельної ділянки (так званий «податок на нерухомість»), та суми податку до сплати, у січні – серпні 2024 року Головним управлінням ДПС у Миколаївській області до місцевих бюджетів забезпечено 138 млн грн податку на нерухомість, що на 38,6 млн грн більше, ніж у […]

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Яким має бути сніданок для тих, хто хоче позбутися зайвої ваги

Ідеальний сніданок для схуднення назвали експерти. Сніданок вважається найважливішим прийманням їжі протягом дня, тому що він перериває нічний період голодування та поповнює ваш запас цукру, щоб допомогти підвищити рівень енергії. Але які найкращі варіанти сніданку для тих, хто хоче швидко схуднути? Згідно з дослідженнями, сніданок може допомогти вам скинути вагу та підтримувати її. Здоровий сніданок […]

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Тепер не стою біля плити годинами! Замішують фінський млинець за 3 хв і в духовку! Начинку даю, яка є вдома

Готую швидкий сніданок, полуденок або навіть вечеря, на який знадобиться не більше 3-х хвилин для приготування тіста. Потрібно тільки все перемішати і в духовку, а через 20-25 хвилин буде готовий дуже смачний, великий млинець. У нього можна загорнути будь-яку начинку або залишити без начинки. За смаком він не поступається смаженим млинцям на сковороді. Інгредієнти: Млинець: […]

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Елементи осіннього гардероба, які мають бути якісними та дорогими

Розповідаємо, у що з одягу варто потратитися, щоб осінній гардероб був функціональним, а образи — стильними і теплими. Пара зручного взуття Це можуть бути грубі черевики на шнурівці, козаки, челсі, ботфорти, чоботи — будь-яка модель взуття, яку ви носите практично кожен день. Важливо вкластися, тому що якісна пара взуття на осінь повинна зігрівати, не пропускати […]

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Stats reveal Scots’ energy bills among highest in UK weeks after winter fuel payment axed for thousands

ENERGY bills in an area of Scotland are among the highest in the UK, new research has revealed.

It comes just weeks after it was announced that almost one million elderly Scots had lost access to the winter fuel payments.

D61Y03 Young woman 20s attempting to read and understand her electricity meter reading and energy bill. Image shot 04/2013. Exact date unknown.
Energy bills in an area of Scotland are among the highest in the UK
2HJYPA4 Close Up Of Woman Holding Smart Energy Meter In Kitchen Measuring Electricity And Gas Use With Bills With Calculator
It comes after the winter fuel payment axed for thousands across Scotland

SNP chiefs followed suit with the UK Government and announced the heating benefit would be means-tested.

An attempt to block the cuts failed as MPs voted to restrict the cash to just the poorest pensioners.

The energy experts at Utility Bidder have carried out research to reveal the UK regions with the highest annual energy bills.

The study also reveals those with the costliest energy unit prices, the regions with the most expensive fixed costs and those which have seen the biggest increase in energy costs between 2019-2023.

And south Scotland has been named the second-highest average annual electricity bills in the UK at £1,311.

As well as having one of the highest electricity bills, people living in south Scotland have the highest annual gas bills, with residents paying around £1,245.

When considering both factors, the combined total for energy bills in the region is more than £2,500.

North Scotland sits fifth overall in the list with an annual average electricity bill of £1,288.

Merseyside and North Wales was named the UK region with the highest annual electricity bills.

People living in the region are paying £1,353 on average for electricity which is £95 more than those living in the East Midlands who are paying the lowest amount for electricity in the UK.

James Longley, managing director at Utility Bidder has commented on whether Brits should stick with the price cap rate and when is the best time to fix your energy: “Energy bills continue to headline UK news all year round, especially in Autumn 2024 as we head towards colder months and a new price cap rate from October.

“These constant fluctuations in energy rates unsurprisingly leave many UK residents in a spin when it comes to the best way forward to get the cheapest energy bills – and at Utility Bidder, we want to make that process as hassle-free as possible.

“So, should you stick with the price cap rate, and when is the best time to fix your energy?

“In 2024, more than 90% of UK homes pay the standard tariff and the full price cap. Fixed rates, however, help give customers peace of mind and provide lots of choice in terms of start and end dates; this is coupled with exit fees and the lost benefit of falling energy prices when you are already under contract.

The UK regions with the highest annual electricity bills

Average Annual Domestic Electricity Bill

1 – Merseyside & North Wales: £1,353
2 – South Scotland: £1,311
3 – South West: £1,293
4 – South East: £1,292
5 – North Scotland: £1,288
6 – Eastern: £1,287
7 – South Wales: £1,286
8 – Southern: £1,285
9 – London: £1,283
10- West Midlands: £1,279

“Of the major energy companies offering fixed rate deals as of September 2024, all offer fixed deals to existing customers, with a large majority offering incentives to new customers as well – though some prove more complicated than others.

“It would be recommended that you look into and compare comparison sites to find the best deals for fixing your energy, and this should be only considered if you are locking in the cheapest rate.

“Whatever your next cause of action, electricity and gas users should try, where possible, to limit their usage during peak hours of the day. Using any utilities throughout the night will prove cheaper, and you can set timers for appliances such as dishwashers.

“Other lifestyle changes which you will reap the benefits of include minimal tweaks such as switching your appliances off when you’re not using them, rather than leaving them on standby, or more long-term solutions include removing your gas boiler or installing solar panels.”

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Channel 4 star, 50, missing as cops grow ‘increasingly concerned for her welfare’ and desperate search launched

A DESPERATE search has been launched for a much-loved Channel 4 star, 50, who mysteriously vanished.

Katherine Watson was last seen in the Heaton Road area of Newcastle at around 1pm on Thursday September 19.

a woman is sitting at a table with her arms crossed and laughing .
Katherine Watson disappeared yesterday afternoon[/caption]

A spokesperson for Northumbria Police said: “The 50-year-old was last seen in the Heaton Road area at around 1pm today, and we’re growing increasingly concerned for her welfare.

“Searches are ongoing to locate Katherine, who is described as a white woman, around 5ft 6ins in height, of slim build, with short light grey hair.

“Katherine was last seen wearing a green hat, a back pack, with dark trousers and a dark hooded top.

“She has a number of tattoos on her arms, as well as a military tattoo on her chest.

“She has links to the Heaton and Jesmond areas of Newcastle – but could have travelled further afield.

“Any info? Please get in touch by sending us a direct message, using the live chat function or report forms on our website, or by calling 101 quoting reference: NP-20240919-0717.”

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