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Подруга пригостила салатом, просто закохалася в нього. Взяла собі рецепт, ділюсь і з вами

Усім великий привіт! Днями була у подруги в гостях, прийшла на чай, вона нагодувала мене салатом, ділюся з вами, прям закохалася в нього смачний, соковитий, ситний, ніжний. Вчора нагодувала всю родину, лишилися задоволені. Інгредієнти: Куряче філе – 2 шт. Сіль, перець, спеції – за смаком Відварені яйця – 3 шт. Морква по-корейськи – 200 гр. […]

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Прикордонники спалили ворожу техніку на Запорізькому напрямку (ВІДЕО)

Прикордонники-аеророзвідники виявили та знищили на Запорізькому напрямку техніку російських окупантів Про це передає Хронікерс із посиланням на Держприкордонслужбу. “Озброївшись FPV-дронами, бійці Держприкордонслужби спільно з побратимами з інших підрозділів Сил оборони України, добряче “підсмажили” техніку окупантів, трансформувавши її на купу брухту. Без “гарячих” гостинців не залишився і спостережний пост росіян”, – йдеться у повідомленні.  hronikers.com 

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Daniel Dubois’ coach Don Charles responds to pay row after going missing in build-up to title fight with Anthony Joshua

DANIEL DUBOIS’ coach has spoken out amid his absence ahead of the fight with Anthony Joshua to deny “vicious” rumours of a split.

Dubois defends his IBF heavyweight world title against AJ on Saturday in what is expected to be British-record 96,000 sellout.

a man wearing a white fug shirt is sitting at a table with a microphone
Daniel Dubois’ trainer Don Charles responded to rumours of a rift in the camp
Richard Pelham / The Sun
a man in a lansdale shirt stands next to another man
Antony Joshua facing off with Dubois[/caption]

But ahead of the Wembley war, his head trainer Charles has been missing from all the fight week media activities.

It led to speculation of a rift in the camp and a sensational split just days before the fight.

But Charles insisted – as have Dubois’ team all week – that he has been ill and chose to stay away from his star fighter as a precaution.

He said on talkSPORT: “I’ve been bedridden for the last five days.

“We finished camp successfully like a week ago. And then on Sunday, I felt not feeling very well.

“It’s a head cold, but a very bad head cold and I’ve been in bed literally trying to shake it off.

“The most sensible thing to do was not to go anywhere near my fighter because can you imagine if I gave this to him? Then there will be no fight.

“So, like I said, the most sensible thing is what we did.

AJ vs Dubois: Build up to the big fight

ANTHONY JOSHUA and Daniel Dubois go head-to-head at Wembley THIS Saturday.

Ahead of the all-British heavyweight showdown, here’s all the biggest stories and need-to-know information…


“I spoke to his father, and we obviously decided the most sensible thing to do is stay away and not give this to anybody because this could easily spread right through our camp.

“And then, God knows who else can contract it and then it jeopardises this big show.”

There had been allegations of a fallout between coach Charles and Dubois’ influential father and manager Stan.

Former boxer-turned-media personality Spencer Fearon added fuel to the fire by claiming there had been a rift.

And promoter Frank Warren also said: “I know there is a situation between them, which was over money.

“But that is not my business that’s their business. I spoke to Don, Stan and Daniel.

“Don is ill with the flu and in bed. He wanted to come to the weigh-in and I told him not to and to leave it until Saturday.

“If Daniel caught it on Saturday, the symptoms won’t hit him until the following day.”

But Charles was quick to put to bed any suggestion of civil war in the camp.

The family and the training staff were very, very tight. So this fall out stuff, it’s all ludicrous. It’s a vicious lie.

Don Charles

He said: “There’s a few individuals, for whatever reason, they went around spreading bad, vicious rumours that there’s been a fall out.

“No, there has not been any fall out. I hate to disappoint them. We’re very, together [as a] team.

“The family and the training staff were very, very tight. So this fall out stuff, it’s all ludicrous. It’s a vicious lie.”

Charles confirmed he WILL be in the corner for Dubois – so long as he can fight off his illness.

He said: “I’m a godfearing man. I will always say if God gives us help then 100 per cent I will be in his corner, that’s the plan.”

In Charles absence, assistant trainer and padman Kieran Farrell has been leading the charge while receiving instructions on the phone.

Charles revealed: “We have a routine, every set-up has a routine.

“We have a fight week routine. Basically, my team members they all know what we do.

“And I’m on the phone first thing in the morning and they know what to do with the fighter.

“The fighter knows what to do so collectively, they’re able to do it.”

a man wearing a shirt that says ddd on it
Dubois with trainer Charles[/caption]

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Price hike on ALL Irish taxi fares in weeks with €3 pre-book fee increase and Christmas rate extended to weekend peaks

IRISH punters are set for a major blow as taxi prices are to be hiked in just weeks – with a €3 pre-book fee and the Christmas rate extended to weekend peaks.

The National Maximum Taxi Fare will increase by nine per cent on December 1.

a blurred image of a taxi cab at night
The increases will kick in December
Getty Images - Getty

The fee for pre-booking a taxi will also increase from €2.00 to €3.00.

A spokesperson for the National Transport Authority said: “The National Maximum Taxi Fare Review is carried out by the National Transport Authority (NTA) approximately every two years to ensure that taxi fares keep pace with changes in operating costs and to maintain the availability of quality taxi services throughout the country.

“The 2024 Review which was published in July this year found that overall, the costs associated with operating a taxi increased between 2022 and 2024 by approximately 9- 11 per cent. 

“Following public consultation on the increase in operating costs experienced by taxi drivers found in the 2024 review, the Taxi Regulation (Maximum Fares) Order 2024 will increase taxi fares by an average of 9 per cent, weighted across time bands and distances.

“A ‘Special Rate’ currently applies to taxi fares for journeys taken between Christmas Eve 20:00h and St. Stephens Day 08:00h & New Years Eve 20:00h and New Years Day 08:00h.

“Under the determination published today, that Special Rate will be extended to include the weekend peak, 12midnight to 4.00am, on Friday night into Saturday morning and Saturday night into Sunday morning, year-round, in an effort to incentivise more drivers to service the nighttime economy.”

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Bloodborne 2 Has Only One Reason to Get Made and Hidetaka Miyazaki Must Make it Happen for Yharnam

Bloodborne is one of the most popular action-adventure titles of all time. Developed by FromSoftware, this PS4 exclusive title was released in 2015. The game portrays the decrepit Gothic Victorian-era inspired city of Yharnam, which is infested with a blood-borne disease called Yharnamites. This title became huge after its release, as it took a special […]

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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Занадто різні: чи справді протилежності притягують

Закон тяжіння — це фізика. І вона не пояснює вашої тяги до чоловіків, які вам не підходять. Часто до нас звертаються наші протилежності: за ними цікаво спостерігати та вони певною мірою доповнюють нашу неідеальну особистість. Але водночас нас дратують партнери, які голосують за іншу партію на парламентських виборах і віддають перевагу перегляду “Римським канікулам” або […]

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Власники нерухомості Миколаївщини сплатили до місцевих бюджетів 138 млн.грн.

Завдяки постійній цілеспрямованій роботі щодо визначення об’єкта оподаткування податком на нерухоме майно, відмінним від земельної ділянки (так званий «податок на нерухомість»), та суми податку до сплати, у січні – серпні 2024 року Головним управлінням ДПС у Миколаївській області до місцевих бюджетів забезпечено 138 млн грн податку на нерухомість, що на 38,6 млн грн більше, ніж у […]

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Яким має бути сніданок для тих, хто хоче позбутися зайвої ваги

Ідеальний сніданок для схуднення назвали експерти. Сніданок вважається найважливішим прийманням їжі протягом дня, тому що він перериває нічний період голодування та поповнює ваш запас цукру, щоб допомогти підвищити рівень енергії. Але які найкращі варіанти сніданку для тих, хто хоче швидко схуднути? Згідно з дослідженнями, сніданок може допомогти вам скинути вагу та підтримувати її. Здоровий сніданок […]

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