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Brits are more likely to open up at the pub or on a walk than on the phone or over text, study finds

BRITS are more likely to open up in the pub than over a quiet meal or in a text conversation.

Research of 2,000 adults revealed 20 per cent are more inclined to talk about how they feel when on a long drive.

two women sitting at a table drinking beer and laughing
Happy Female Friends Having meal And Beer And Laughing[/caption]

But doing so on a walk was rated highest by respondents (46 per cent) and 24 per cent feel over a meal is the ideal time to open up.

While 30 per cent prefer to share their feelings when they’re on the phone to someone, so they don’t have to see their reaction.

The research was commissioned by Three UK who is backing Samaritans’ ‘Dawn Walk’ as part of their partnership with the charity.

Marking World Mental Health Day next month, Dawn Walk is a 5k challenge taking place between the October 10 and 13 that encourages people to take part in something that could benefit their wellbeing, while also raising vital funds for the life-saving service.

Juliet Callaghan, from Three UK, said: “Research suggests that people tend to prefer opening up whilst doing an activity.

“Walking provides an opportunity for those who find it hard to articulate feelings face-to-face to open up and be vulnerable.”

The research also revealed 34 per cent of adults find it hard to express their feelings because they don’t want to burden others with their problems.

While 32 per cent simply find it uncomfortable, and 26 per cent have a fear of being judged if they share their innermost worries.

A third (32 per cent) say they are comfortable sharing personal experiences with someone they’ve just met, for example a trained professional.

People generally feel comfortable being on the receiving end of an emotive conversation – with 72 per cent saying they feel comfortable responding to someone’s emotions if they open up to them.

Encouragingly, 58 per cent say they have a strong support system of people they can talk to, according to the OnePoll figures.

Yet only 20 per cent are very confident in their ability to express their feelings verbally.

Juliet from Three UK, which has been in partnership with Samaritans since April 2021, added: “It can be hard to take the leap to talk about how you feel.

“In today’s fast-paced world, many people find it easier to open up over the phone rather than in face-to-face conversations.

“Without the pressure of maintaining eye contact or observing immediate reactions, people often feel more comfortable sharing what’s on their minds.”


  1. Going for a walk
  2. Over a drink / in the pub
  3. Anywhere outside in nature
  4. Over a meal
  5. A long drive
  6. Talking on the phone rather than face-to-face
  7. Online / over chat (e.g. WhatsApp or Messenger)
  8. Via text
  9. Driving on a short journey
  10. In the workplace / At my place of work


  • Show you care: focus on the other person, make eye contact, remove all distractions
  • Have patience: it may take time and several attempts before someone is ready to open up
  • Use open questions: that need more than a yes/no answer and follow up, e.g. ‘Tell me more’
  • Say it back: to show you’ve understood, but don’t interrupt or offer a solution
  • Have courage: don’t be put off by a negative response and don’t feel like you have to fill silence

Help for mental health

If you, or anyone you know, needs help dealing with mental health problems, the following organisations provide support.

The following are free to contact and confidential:

Mind, www.mind.org, provide information about types of mental health problems and where to get help for them. Email info@mind.org.uk or call the infoline on 0300 123 3393 (UK landline calls are charged at local rates, and charges from mobile phones will vary).

YoungMinds run a free, confidential parents helpline on 0808 802 5544 for parents or carers worried about how a child or young person is feeling or behaving. The website has a chat option too.

Rethink Mental Illness, www.rethink.org, gives advice and information service offers practical advice on a wide range of topics such as The Mental Health Act, social care, welfare benefits, and carers rights. Use its website or call 0300 5000 927 (calls are charged at your local rate).

Heads Together, www.headstogether.org.uk, is the a mental health initiative spearheaded by The Royal Foundation of The Prince and Princess of Wales.

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