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Chris Hemsworth’s ‘Transformers One’ Stomps All Over Shia LaBeouf’s Films But Falls Short of Beating THIS $467 Million Blockbuster

Transformers was introduced all the way back in 1984 and since then has amassed millions of fans across the globe. From live-action films and animated series to video games and merchandise, the Hasbro franchise remains one of the best-selling creations from a toy line. The recent Transformers adaptations had been trying to revive the bloated […]

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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Як боротися з харчовою міллю на кухні: дієві народні методи

Міль на кухні може непомітно з’явитися й зіпсувати вам всі крупи. У порадах читайте про дієві методи, які використовували наші бабусі у боротьбі з харчовою міллю. Подробиці Саме ці засоби найефективніші: апельсинові або лимонні шкірки лаванда або її ароматизатор пакетики духмяного або чорного перцю перцева м’ята в мішечку спеції – лавровий лист, материнка і гвоздика […]

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ЄС запровадить нові санкції проти сірих торгівців російською нафтою

ЄС наступного тижня розгляне питання санкційного листа проти сірих торгівців російською нафтою. Про це повідомив спеціальний представник ЄС із санкцій Девід О’Салліван 18 вересня на прес-конференції у Центрі європейської політики у Брюсселі, відповідаючи на запитання щодо персональних санкцій відносно фірм-порушників та їхніх власників. “Відносно фінансових махінацій — це питання визначення організацій, що, ймовірно, могли б […]

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Склянка сиру та 5 хвилин. Найпростіший рецепт сирних булочок: начинка, золотиста скоринка, м’яка серединка!

Ці сирні булочки готуються настільки швидко, що можна подати гарячу випічку рідним навіть на сніданок. Виходять вони повітряними й дуже смачними. Тож домашні з дому голодними не підуть. Вам знадобиться: 250 г кисломолочного сиру; 200 г борошна; 50 г цукру; 2 яйця; 1 пачка ванільного цукру; 2 ст.лож. олії; 0,3 ч.лож. солі; 10 г розпушувача. […]

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Чим засіяти город від бур’янів

Кожному власнику ділянки хочеться мати гарний газон чи город без непотрібних бур’янів. Але постійне використання хімічних засобів може бути не лише дорогим, а й мати неприємні наслідки для довкілля. Розповідаємо далі в матеріалі про ефективні способи, чим засіяти ділянку, щоб не росли бур’яни. Чим засіяти ділянку: поради По-перше, правильне зміцнення ґрунту придушує зростання бур’янів. Замість […]

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My fiance was cheating on me with a FRIEND – I quit my job, ghosted him & got the best revenge, but he says I’m childish

A WOMAN has revealed that her fiance was cheating on her with a mutual friend, so she made sure to get the ultimate revenge.

The frustrated woman explained that she realised that her partner, who she had been with for four years, was being unfaithful, after scrolling through his phone.

a man is comforting a woman who is sitting on a bed
A woman has revealed that after discovering her fiance was cheating on her, she completely cut all ties[/caption]
a woman wearing glasses has her hands folded in front of her face
The anonymous Reddit user shared that not only did she quit her job and move away, but she made sure to empty out the money she had put into their joint account too[/caption]
an illustration of a ghost standing in front of a phone that says the girls
Ruby Taylor at Central Illustration Agency
She also ghosted her mutual friends that knew about the cheating – ghosting is when someone suddenly cuts all communication with another person[/caption]

As a result, she got her comeuppance by clearing out all of the money she had added into their joint account, packed up and left.

Sharing her story on social media, the woman confessed all on the AITAH thread, under the username @PeakAfraid330.

The anonymous 27-year-old titled her post ‘AITA for ghosting my cheating fiance?’ and confessed that she dated her ex fiance Jonathan, 29, for four years, and they had been engaged for a couple of months. 

She explained: “It was a good relationship, and I truly thought we would spend the rest of our lives together, but I guess I was just too naive to see the truth. 

“To keep it short, I found out he had been cheating on me with a mutual friend for a couple of months, and that group of friends in particular were covering up his affair. 

“They were all acting strange, so I went through his phone and I found out they had a separate group where they even made fun of me for not realising. 

“I was furious, and my first impulse was to berate them all. However, I ended up deciding to just disappear from their lives. Any confrontation was clearly a waste of time with these people.”

The Reddit user explained that she made sure to get her revenge, as she added: “When he went to work the next day, I packed everything I owned, took all the money I put on our joint account (which was a lot, since we were paying for our wedding, we were planning a good honeymoon and wanted to buy a house).

“I blocked them from everywhere, put my accounts on private, changed my number and I went back to my hometown and stayed with my mum and stepdad. 

“I was so mad I even left my job right away. 

“I told my friends and family what had happened, and then I decided to go on a big trip with some of the money I had put on our joint account. 

“I left for three months, I had the time of my life and came back home two months ago. 

“I was able to get a job here, and I decided to start dating again. 

“It’s nothing serious, but I have been seeing this nice guy for about a month. I’m just trying to put my life back on track.”

Four red flags your partner is cheating

Private Investigator Aaron Bond from BondRees revealed four warning signs your partner might be cheating.

They start to take their phone everywhere with them

In close relationships, it’s normal to know each other’s passwords and use each other’s phones, if their phone habits change then they may be hiding something.

Aaron says: “If your partner starts changing their passwords, starts taking their phone everywhere with them, even around the house or they become defensive when you ask to use their phone it could be a sign of them not being faithful.”

“You should also look at how they place their phone down when not in use. If they face the phone with the screen facing down, then they could be hiding something.”

They start telling you less about their day

When partners cheat they can start to avoid you, this could be down to them feeling guilty or because it makes it easier for them to lie to you.

“If you feel like your partner has suddenly begun to avoid you and they don’t want to do things with you any more or they stop telling you about their day then this is another red flag.”

“Partners often avoid their spouses or tell them less about their day because cheating can be tough, remembering all of your lies is impossible and it’s an easy way to get caught out,” says Aaron.

Their libido changes

Your partner’s libido can change for a range of reasons so it may not be a sure sign of cheating but it can be a red flag according to Aaron.

Aaron says: “Cheaters often have less sex at home because they are cheating, but on occasions, they may also have more sex at home, this is because they feel guilty and use this increase in sex to hide their cheating.  You may also find that your partner will start to introduce new things into your sex life that weren’t there before.”

They become negative towards you

Cheaters know that cheating is wrong and to them, it will feel good, this can cause tension and anxiety within themselves which they will need to justify.

“To get rid of the tension they feel inside they will try to convince themselves that you are the problem and they will become critical of you out of nowhere.  Maybe you haven’t walked the dog that day, put the dishes away or read a book to your children before bedtime.  A small problem like this can now feel like a big deal and if you experience this your partner could be cheating,” warns Aaron.

But after spending time focusing on herself, the woman continued: “Anyway, recently my family and friends are telling me that my ex and our ex-mutual friends are bombarding them with texts on social media. 

“They apparently want to know where I am and are asking how I’m doing, and they are saying what I did was childish and I should just talk to them at least. 

“I have no intention of this, for me, it’s a closed phase of my life, and I literally did nothing at all, I just left. 

“They will never see my face again or hear from me, and I told my close circle to just block or ignore them.” 


Reddit users rushed to the comments to share their thoughts on the situation – with many praising her ‘classy’ response. 

One person said: “What YOU are doing is CHILDISH?? They concealed an affair and mocked you for not realising it, and YOU are the childish one?? Go live your better life.” 

You did the perfect thing! You brought your A game!

Reddit user

Another added: “This is classy as f**k. No response at all is a perfect response.

“They are dying to try to explain themselves, and you denying them that opportunity is amazing. Sending you all the best for your upcoming chapter in your life.” 

A third commented: “Although I’m usually against ghosting in general, this is about the best reason to do so.

“You’re obviously punishing them all and they feel guilty by just disappearing. Good luck and God bless moving forward.”  

Whilst someone else expressed: “You know what? You did the perfect thing! You brought your A game! I’m proud of you!!” 

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‘You can’t be serious,’ people cry as mum shares baby’s unique name – others say it ‘sounds like a troll’

A MUM came under fire after sharing the unique name she gave to her daughter.

People couldn’t wrap their heads around the moniker, joking it sounded like something you’d call a troll.

a baby laying on a bed holding a stuffed animal
A mum came under fire for her unique baby name pick (stock image)[/caption]
a group of troll dolls with colorful hair
People joked that the name sounds like something you’d call a troll (stock image)[/caption]

The name was shared in a post on a Reddit group dedicated to name shaming.

Reddit user Pnknbby explained that she came across the unusual moniker when her former classmate posted about her newborn.

“[I] decided to check Facebook for the first time in awhile and the first thing I see is that a girl I went to middle school with named her daughter Creeklee,” the poster wrote.

“I think that is the worst name I heard so far.”

She pointed out that people seem to be following the same trend when naming their children.

“You can’t put ‘ly,’ ‘lee,’ or ‘leigh’ behind any word and make it a name,” she said.

She gave the examples of other names inspired by bodies of water that would’ve been more appropriate.

“I don’t like these names but they would’ve been a lot better: River, Riverly, Lake, Lakely, Ocean,” she explained.

Creeklee is an example of what Redit users refer to as a tragedeigh name.

The term is used to describe “a given name that has been deliberately misspelled or completely made up to appear more unique than it actually is.”

Reddit users shared their thoughts on the unusual name in the comments section.

“I’m imagining a cartoonish river troll. ‘Oh, your shovel went missing? Must of been Ole Creeklee,'” joked one reader.

“This is such a ‘girl I knew in middle school whose birth announcement I accidentally saw on Facebook’ thing to name a child,” said another commenter.

“This sounds more like sounds birds could make. Cree! Klee! Cree! Klee!” wrote a third person.

“My arthritis is causing my joints to go all sorts of creekly,” commented another Redditor.

Are Unique Baby Names Worth The Hassle?

YOU may think having a unique name helps you to stand out, but is it all it's cracked up to be?

Fabulous’ Deputy Editor Josie Griffiths reveals the turmoil she faced with her own name while growing up.

When I was a child, all I wanted was one of those personalised keyrings with my name on it.

But no joy, the closest I could find was Rosie, Joseph (not great for a little girl) and Joanne.

Josie is short for Josephine, which is a French name, and I managed to reach my 20s without ever meeting anyone who shared it.

When I try to introduce myself to people, I get all sorts of random things – like Tracey and Stacey – which can be pretty annoying.

Although I have come into contact with a couple of Josies over the last year – there seems to be a few of us around my age – it’s still a much rarer name than most of my friends have.

On the whole I don’t mind it, at least it’s not rude or crazily spelt.

And it means I can get away with ‘doing a Cheryl’ and just referring to myself as Josie.

I’m getting married this year and some friends are shocked that I’m changing my surname, as it’s not seen as very cool or feminist to do so these days, but I explain to them that I’m not that attached to Griffiths as I’d always just say ‘hi it’s Josie’ when ringing a mate up.

I think it’s nice to be unique and I’ll definitely try and replicate this when naming my own kids.

It’s the rude names you’ve got to watch out for, so after nine years as a lifestyle journalist I’ll definitely be avoiding those.

“I closed my eyes for a moment in sheer resignation after reading that name,” said one person.

“Creeklee sounds like: ‘That’s a really old chair. It’s a bit creeklee,'” pointed out another reader.

“I do know someone with a son named Creek. I’m still not sure how I feel about it,” wrote one commenter.

“Reminds me of Pleakley, from Lilo & Stitch,” said another Reddit user.

“So sick of the ‘ly’ endings of made up names. Can we start the trend of ‘bert’ instead? Instead of like Kaylee can we have Kaybert instead?” asked one viewer.

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XL Bullies offered new homes abroad before they’re ‘euthanised’ after ban kicks in as over €4k raised for charity

DOG lovers in Ireland are on a mission to send XL Bullies abroad in a bid to find a new home – before they are “euthanized”.

Rescuers in Poland, Czech Republic and other EU countries have offered a “helping hand to rehome these dogs”.

a dog wearing sunglasses and a hat is running in front of a dogs angels ireland logo
The Irish public have donated almost €4.5k to Dogs Angels Ireland to save XL bullies
a white and brown dog with a brown collar looks at the camera
The Irish Government said the XL Bully ban is in the interest of public safety

An XL bully dog is the largest of the American Bully Breed and is usually a mix of a number of breeds – including an American pit bull terrier.

A concerned charity, named Dogs Angels Ireland, warned that XL bully dogs will have “no future in Republic of Ireland”.

They said: “While [the] exact details are unknown, we did get the information about if these dogs are in pounds/shelters on or after 1st October 2024, they will be euthanized.

“While some were rehomed, there are still plenty in the pounds and most likely, this number will increase coming closer to 1st October and after.”

The Irish Government said the ban is in the interest of public safety following a number of “horrific” attacks by XL Bullies.

The first phase of the ban begins on October 1, 2024, when it will become illegal to import, breed or re-sell XL Bullies.

And then on February 1, 2025, owning an XL Bully in Ireland will be illegal.

The charity said they are “forever grateful” to these organisations who have offered help.

A fundraiser has been set up on GoFundMe to raise money to cover transport and veterinary fees.

Organisers said: “We need to cover their veterinary expenses, and travel cost. Each transport is €3000+, therefore we are setting up the target as €10,000.

“Any amount that will not be spent on transport/veterinary expenses, will stay with Dogs Angels, as they do amazing work to look after all their doggies.”

Almost €4.5K has been raised so far for the canines in need.

They pleaded: “We desperately need your help.

“We need to get as many XL bullies as possible out of the country and to safety.

“We are under so much pressure to try and get this done.”

The ISPCA have also issued a special plea to people to consider adopting an XL Bully “before it’s too late”.

The charity said: “With new legislation coming into effect on 1st October 2024, these animals will no longer be eligible for adoption.

“The ISPCA is making a heartfelt plea to the public to consider giving these dogs a chance at a loving home before it’s too late.”


No breed of dog is currently banned in Ireland. But with certain breeds of dog, additional rules must be followed.

This applies to the following types of dog, as well as strains or cross-breeds of these breeds:

  • American pit bull terrier
  • English bull terrier
  • Staffordshire bull terrier
  • Bull mastiff
  • Dobermann pinscher
  • German shepherd (Alsatian)
  • Rhodesian ridgeback
  • Rottweiler
  • Japanese akita
  • Japanese tosa
  • Bandog

In Ireland, restricted dogs or strains and crosses of them must be:

  • Kept on a short strong lead of under two metres
  • With someone over the age of 16, who is able to control them
  • Muzzled when in a public place
  • Wearing a collar with the name and address of their owner, at all times

But Minister Heather Humphreys confirmed more severe rules could be on the cards, saying: “I have asked the Group to examine the restricted breeds list, in line with actions being taken in the UK and Northern Ireland.

“I am committed to working with colleagues across Government in taking whatever action is necessary to strengthen our dog control laws.”

ISPCA officials also issued an urgent appeal to the public as their animal welfare centres are near capacity.

Some €250k is needed to address the escalating rehoming crisis.

ISPCA CEO Dr Cyril Sullivan said: “The public’s response to our last Emergency Appeal was overwhelming, and we are deeply grateful.

“We are asking again for your support; we are once again at a critical juncture.

“The need for rehoming has never been greater, and whether through adoption or donation, every action counts.

“Our goal is to find loving, long-term homes for all the animals in our care, but we can’t do it without your help and with 340 animals in our care we need to ensure they are all looked after.”

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