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Vince McMahon breaks silence on ‘distorted’ Netflix doc with 170-word statement in first tweet in over a year

VINCE McMAHON has broken his silence on Netflix’s “distorted” documentary about his life with his first tweet in over a year.

The 79-year-old is the richest man in professional wrestling after turning the WWE into a household name.

a man in a suit and tie looks at the camera
Vince McMahon has hit out at his upcoming documentary on Netflix
a poster for a netflix documentary series called mr. mcmahon
The former WWE chief has slammed it as ‘distorted’ and ‘deceptive’[/caption]

But he has since been dogged by numerous scandals, with allegations of sex trafficking and sexual assault ending his time as WWE’s CEO and chairman in January.

A month later McMahon was under federal investigation after authorities gained a search warrant for his phone.

McMahon was ordered to hand over documents regarding allegations of “rape, sex trafficking, sexual assault, commercial sex transaction, harassment or discrimination against past or present WWE employees.

And a new Netflix documentary, titled ‘Mr McMahon’, has done a deep-dive on his rise to power and subsequent fall.

The six-parter is produced by several execs from the hit series ‘Tiger King’ and premieres tomorrow, with a teaser describing McMahon as a “controversial” character.

However, the wrestling supremo – who has a net worth of £1.2billion – issued a public statement on Sunday night claiming the programme has covered his life unfairly.

He claims Netflix have made the mistake of “conflating the ‘Mr McMahon’ character with my true self.”

And McMahon also accused the streaming giant of using “typical editing tricks” to “support a deceptive narrative.”


He ended the 170-word statement by insisting there are “two sides to every story.”

McMahon’s post on X, his first since April 2023, read: “I don’t regret participating in this Netflix documentary.

a man in a suit holds a microphone with the letter w on it
McMahon has a net worth of £1.2billion[/caption]
a white page with black text that says i do n't regret participating in this netflix documentary
X @VinceMcMahon
McMahon’s post on X was his first since April 2023[/caption]

“The producers had an opportunity to tell an objective story about my life and the incredible business I built, which were equally filled with excitement, drama, fun, and a fair amount of controversy and life lessons.

“Unfortunately, based on an early partial cut I’ve seen, this doc falls short and takes the predictable path of conflating the ‘Mr McMahon’ character with my true self, Vince.

“The title and promos alone make that evident.

“A lot has been misrepresented or left out entirely in an effort to leave viewers intentionally confused.

“The producers use typical editing tricks with out of context footage and dated soundbites etc. to distort the viewers’ perception and support a deceptive narrative.

“In an attempt to further their misleading account, the producers use a lawsuit based on an affair I ended that I am, in fact, ‘Mr McMahon’.

“I hope the viewer will keep an open mind and remember that there are two sides to every story.”

Netflix are yet to respond to McMahon’s claims ahead of tomorrow’s airing.

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This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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The post PICS: How celebrities reacted to snowfall in SA appeared first on News365.co.za.

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