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Mum, 37, collapsed unconscious days after family picnic left her with ‘excruciating pain worse than childbirth’

A FAMILY picnic nearly cost a mum her life after she collapsed unconscious days after being bitten by a horsefly.

Natasha Judge was enjoying a picnic with her 14-year-old son Riley at their local park on July 23 when she was unknowingly bitten by an insect on her bottom.

a woman with long black hair is smiling for the camera
Natasha Judge, 37, was unknowingly bitten by an insect on her bottom during a family picnic[/caption]
a woman in a hospital gown is sitting in front of a machine that reads 200
Natasha was rushed to hospital after collapsing and told she’d been bitten by a horsefly[/caption]
a person laying on a bed with a large red spot on their leg
A rash developed around the bite and Natasha suffered shooting pains down her leg[/caption]
a woman is taking a picture of herself in an elevator
Natasha was told she could have been at risk of sepsis[/caption]

The 37-year-old was in the shower later that evening when she noticed a bite mark on her left bum cheek.

The following day, the bite had developed into a rash, which Natasha attempted to control with antihistamines.

However, a few days later the mum-of-one began experiencing excruciating pains down her leg, which she described as “worse than childbirth”.

After a course of antibiotics, the student nurse’s health took a drastic turn for the worse when she collapsed on the sofa at home while watching a film.

The single mum was bluelighted to University Hospital Crosshouse in Kilmarnock where she underwent emergency surgery to remove an infected abscess on the bite.

Natasha, who lives in Glasgow, Scotland, was told the bite had been caused by a horsefly – and is now warning others about the seemingly harmless common insect.

Natasha said: “It was an absolutely glorious day in July so me and my son took a picnic to the park.

“It wasn’t until I was in the shower later that evening that I noticed a bite on my left butt cheek. I hadn’t felt anything bite me.

“It looked red and a bit bloody but I didn’t think much of it.

“The next day I noticed a rash and put on some antibacterial cream and took some antihistamine to try and calm it down but it just didn’t work.

“A few days later the pain started. The pain came on thick and fast. I couldn’t even sit down. The rash had spread right down my thigh.

“The pain was excruciating, it was worse than childbirth. I’d never felt pain like it.”

Natasha rang the out-of-hours doctors who told her she had been bitten by a horsefly – and prescribed three doses of antibiotics.

However, after taking the medicine, Natasha began feeling very unwell while watching a movie at home with her son.

a woman is standing in front of a tv with a sign that says love on it
The abscess in Natasha’s bottom contained 50ml of fluid[/caption]
a person laying on a bed with a hole in their stomach
Natasha after having an operation to remove an abscess from a horsefly bite[/caption]

Natasha said: “My body just started to shut down. My blood sugars dropped. I was shivering.

“I was shaking uncontrollably and had a 40 degree fever. I was collapsing. The pain was unbearable.

“I went unconscious twice on the couch while we were watching a movie. My son had to ring 999.

“We weren’t sure if it was a reaction to the antibiotics but the doctor said it was due to the horsefly bite.

“I was rushed to hospital via ambulance and the doctor looked at my bite and said it’s severely infected and told me there was an abscess and I would need surgery.”

Natasha underwent an hour-long operation to drain the abscess, which contained 50ml of fluid, and remained in hospital for five days.

‘Picnic could have cost me my life’

Natasha said: “I was told I was quite lucky because the poison had started to go into my body and they were worried about me getting sepsis. My body was starting to shut down.

“It was quite a scary time. You never expect something like this to happen. I was shocked. I’ve been bitten by things before but never a horsefly.

“Living in Scotland, you’re prone to it so this was very surreal.

“The surgeon said they’d never seen anything like it. They don’t know why it got this serious. I was lucky I came in when I did.

“This picnic could’ve cost me my life. I look back and think this could’ve been so much worse.

“I’m terrified about it happening again. It’s in the back of your head all the time.”

11 of the most common but nasty bug bites

Bug bites are the scourge of British summertime.

And while a nibble from a critter is usually not a big problem, some can send you into a frenzy of itching or get pretty sore.

Everyone’s immune system responds differently to bites and stings, and some people may have more severe reactions than others – especially when it comes to stings from flying insects like bees or wasps.

Itching is common, and the area around the bite can often become tender and painful to touch.

If your symptoms persist, it’s imperative you see a doctor to check that you haven’t been infected and that you aren’t suffering from an insect-born disease.

It’s hard to know what insect decided to have you for lunch, unless you catch the culprit in the act – easier said than done when most are microscopic.

Here are 11 of the most common bites and stings to help you work out what pest bit you in the first place. You can check photos of the side effects here.


Flea bites are small red bumps that appear in clusters. They are small and often have little red halos around them.

They usually prefer animals but can also go for warm areas like your groin and armpits, the NHS states.

  • Symptoms: They are usually itchy and will leave red marks.
  • How to treat: Try not to scratch the area, keep it clean and use antiseptic creams.


Ticks like to feed on your blood so it’s usually easy to find them, as quite often they will still be attached to the area they have bitten.

They will usually leave a red spot, but not all people will have this reaction.

Ticks like warm blood so they will look to feast on the warmer parts of the body like armpits, behind the knees and the groin.

  • Symptoms: If you have been bitten by a tick, then it can usually be quite itchy. The reaction you have will depend on the type of tick that decided to feast on you. Lyme disease is one signal as well as other tick-borne illnesses, including tularemia and anaplasmosis.
  • How to treat: Try not to itch the bite. If it gets uncomfortable, you can use an ice pack or apply calamine lotion or antiseptic creams to stop the itching.


If you see a spider scurrying away or you have two tiny puncture wounds on your skin, then it’s most likely a spider bite.

Most spiders only bite when they are provoked and their bites will usually leave your skin red and a bit swollen.

  • Symptoms: Mild pain is to be expected but if you have been bitten by a black widow or brown recluses, then you could experience tremors and nausea. If you think you’ve been bitten by one of these spiders then you should seek help from a professional.
  • How to treat: Using an ice pack will help the swelling and if you have been bit on your leg it’s a good idea to keep it elevated.


Fly bites are common if you spend a lot of time outside and even more so if you spend time around horses. They can be pretty painful.

  • Symptoms: They are often raised and will be a little bit itchy but more are innocuous.
  • How to treat: To help soothe the bite, you can apply ice and keep the area clean.


Mosquito bites are a common – and unwanted – summer souvenir.

The little pests like to go for the ankles, knees and neck. Their bites form bumps that usually go red.

  • Symptoms: You won’t feel much pain at first but these bites can become very itchy. If you’re experiencing cold or flu symptoms then you may have contracted a disease, as some mosquitoes carry dengueZika and West Nile viruses.
  • How to treat: You can take an over counter antihistamines and make sure you keep the area clean.


Bee stings can be fatal to some and there will usually be a white spot where they have stung.

Sometimes the barbed stinger is left attached and you need to pull this out.

  • Symptoms: You will have moderate pain which should go away within a few hours.
  • How to treat: You can use a cold compress to quell the swelling but if you think you’re having an allergic reaction then it’s best to go to A&E.


These can sometimes look like mosquito bites and appear as small, red, puffy lumps in a cluster of three or more.

They appear on skin that is exposed to your bed covers at night. Bed bugs often linger in your mattress in the corners.

  • Symptoms: The bites can become itchy and swollen but they don’t spread disease.
  • How to treat: First you need to get rid of the bed bugs in your home. To do this you need to make sure you wash your bedding often and vacuum any areas around the bed. You can also scrub the mattress seams to remove their eggs. You can use over-the-counter pain relief and antihistamines to stop the itching.


These can be a double whammy as some ants can bite and sting. Most will cause pimple-like spots.

  • Symptoms: If a fire ant has bitten you then it will be painful as they have strong venom, and this can take weeks to go away.
  • How to treat: Ice the sting on and off and elevate the area. You can also take antihistamines.


Sandfly bites can transmit parasite infections that cause skin lesions and ulcers.

  • Symptoms: Bites will appear in small red clusters and can also cause blisters. They will be painful and itchy.
  • How to treat: Antihistamines usually help.


These bites are usually invisible to the naked eye and will create tiny little bumps.

  • Symptoms: You will feel severe discomfort but the mites don’t spread disease and do not burrow in your skin.
  • How to treat: They usually get better without treatment but if you’re struggling, you can use antiseptic creams or calamine lotion.


Head lice leave patches of red, abraded spots on the scalp. The bites are small but the reaction your body has to them makes them grow. You can also develop sores due to scratching.

  • Symptoms: First you might see some eggs that then hatch into lice. If you feel like something is moving your hair then it’s likely lice crawling.
  • How to treat: After washing the hair with shampoo and conditioner, you need to comb through with a fine comb to remove lice and eggs. Lice lotion can also be used to prevent them from returning.
a woman taking a picture of herself in a bathroom mirror
Doctors aren’t sure why Natasha’s body reacted like that to the bite[/caption]
a woman taking a selfie in front of a chandelier
She’s terrified about it happening again[/caption]

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World’s ‘safest car’ can survive bomb and gas attack and comes with bulletproof vests – but it has a whopping price tag

THIS is the world’s “safest car”, designed to withstand a bomb or gas attack and equipped with bulletproof vests.

The tank-like SUV is fully road-legal and borrows bits from the Cadillac Escalade, but looks more similar to the Batmobile than any production car.

a black vehicle with the number 011 on the side
This bizarre SUV has been dubbed the ‘safest car in the world’[/caption]
the back seat of a car with the sunroof open
It is able to withstand bullets, bombs and even gas attacks[/caption]
a black vehicle with the number 01 on the side
It’s based on a Cadillac but looks more like the Batmobile[/caption]

The aptly named Rezvani Vengeance looks fit for a superhero, with heavily armoured bodywork and bizarre safety features.

It was created by Rezvani Motors, an independent performance car manufacturer based in California.

The firm was best known for high-end sports cars like the Beast model, the first of which was purchased by music superstar Chris Brown.

But in 2022 it produced the Vengeance off-roader to nearly military-grade specs.

The model was actually designed by digital artist Milen Ivanov to look like it was straight out of a video game.

It was offered with either a three-litre diesel inline-six engine or a larger 6.2-litre petrol V8.

There is enough room inside for eight passengers across three rows of plush seats.

And they’ll surely travel in comfort given its 35in tyres and high-tech suspension designed to tackle even the toughest off-road conditions.

One has now gone up for sale through luxury car dealer Celebrity Cars Las Vegas.

The 2023 model features the optional “security package”, which includes bulletproof armouring, helmets and vests as well as gas masks, a steel ram bumper and pepper spray dispensers.

The body is so tough that it is reportedly able to withstand small bomb blasts.

It even has protections against electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attacks, which can disable electronic devices.

Other bizarre features include strobe lights, a smoke screen, magnetic deadbolt locking and a hypothermia kit.

Oh, and it has thermal night vision too, of course.

The listing promises that buyers can pick up the stunning motor straight away and not have to join the back of the manufacturer’s lengthy waiting list.

That’s if you can afford it, though, with the vengeance attracting a huge £312,000 price when all the extras are added.

Even without the apocalypse-proof spec, the base price is still £216,000.

It comes after an ultra-rare sports car that is one of just 27 ever made went up for sale at an even more eye-watering price.

a black vehicle with the word rezvani on the back
The motor was actually designed to look like a video game car[/caption]
a gas mask is hanging from the back seat of a car
It comes with military-grade features like gas masks and pepper spray dispensers[/caption]
a helmet sits in the back seat of a car
Drivers can even activate thermal night vision[/caption]
the inside of a car with a steering wheel and dashboard
However, it will set you back more than £300,000[/caption]

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Saudi Arabia Snooker Masters 2024 prize money: How much is up for grabs for Ronnie O’Sullivan and Co in Riyadh?

SNOOKER is back with one of the biggest prize pots ever – as the Saudi Arabia Snooker Masters is being held in Riyadh for its inaugural event.

Seven-time world champion Ronnie O’Sullivan is no stranger to taking home a huge Saudi cheque following his inaugural Riyadh Season World Masters of Snooker win in March.

two men shake hands in front of a sign that says az
Ronnie O’Sullivan (R) beat Luca Brecel (L) in the first-ever Saudi snooker final[/caption]

The Rocket beat Luca Brecel 5-2 and pocketed a staggering £250,000 for his triumph.

However, there is even more cash up for grabs at what will be Saudi’s second snooker competition.

And big hitters such as Ali Carter, Judd Trump and of course, O’Sullivan will all want a piece of the pie.

Furthermore, The Rocket will be just as hungry following his Xi’an Grand Prix semi-final exit just last week.

Find out the Saudi Arabia Snookers Masters 2024 prize money below.

What is the Saudi Arabia Snookers Masters 2024 prize money?

The winner is set to get DOUBLE what Ronnie O’Sullivan earned for being crowned king of the Riyadh Season World Masters Snooker event.

And there will also be an extra £50,000 for anyone who can secure a 147 break.

  • Winner: £500,000
  • Runner-up: £200,000
  • Semi-finals: £100,000
  • Quarter-finals: £50,000
  • Last 16: £30,000
  • Last 32: £20,000
  • Last 48: £11,000
  • Last 80: £7,000
  • Last 112: £4,000
  • Last 144: £2,000
  • 147 Break: £50,000
  • Total: £2,302,000 

How does this compare to other snooker tournament’s prize money?

The Saudi Arabia Snookers Masters prize pot has jumped up to the second biggest amount on the list.

  • Champion of Champions – £440,000
  • World Cup – £635,000
  • The Masters – £725,000
  • Shanghai Masters – £751,000
  • China Championship – £751,000
  • World Open – £772,000
  • Riyadh Season World Masters – £789,000
  • International Championship – £802,000
  • China Open – £1,000,000
  • UK Championship – £1,009,000
  • Saudi Arabia Snookers Masters – £2,302,000
  • World Championship – £2,395,000

What has been said?

Former World Snooker Chairman Barry Hearn is in favour of the bigger prize pots.

“Common sense says I have a fiduciary duty to the players to provide the biggest prize money because they’re professional athletes.

“And there is no point in saying: ‘Oh, think of the history’. You can’t eat history.

“Sport, to be progressive, has got to provide bigger and bigger prize funds or it is not going to be competitive in today’s world, and will no longer be aspirational to young people that we want to see come into the sport.”

When is the Saudi Arabia Snookers Masters 2024 and where can I watch it?

  • The tournament begins on Friday, August 30 with the final taking place on Saturday, September 7.
  • It will be broadcast live on Eurosport in the UK and also streamed on the Discovery+ website/app.
  • Alternatively, SunSport will blog all the action from Riyadh as it happens.

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Ed Dunlop treated far too harshly after his horse tested positive for cocaine – the rules need changing

I STILL haven’t got round to watching the movie ‘Cocaine Bear’. The reviews are pretty good, so it’s not to be sniffed at.

British racing has responded with it’s own follow-up, ‘Cocaine Horse’. But I’ll admit the plot is bizarre and the ending has left me feeling confused.

a bald man wearing ray-ban sunglasses looks to the side
Ed Dunlop’s 12-month suspended ban seems incredibly harsh[/caption]

In the unlikely event you haven’t got a Scooby Doo what I’m on about, I’ll fill you in.

On Tuesday we found out Lucidity, a four-year-old filly trained by Ed Dunlop, tested positive for Charlie after finishing second at Brighton in July 2023.

There is still some mystery surrounding how the old Colombian marching powder found its way into her system.

Short of the horse racking up a line of powder herself, in all likelihood it was caused by contamination from a member of Dunlop’s stable staff.


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It might surprise you how easily this can happen. For example, if a person has drug residue on their hands and they handle equipment which goes in a horse’s mouth or around their nose, tiny amounts can be picked up in routine drug tests.

In other words, there was no wrongdoing on Dunlop’s part and it was out of his hands – but he was still hit with a 12-MONTH ban, suspended for a year.

So if anything like this happens again between now and the end of August 2025, he will be warned off for 12 months. That’s pretty brutal, don’t you think?

No wonder he is going to start randomly drugs testing his staff. If some selfish bugger goes on a bender and contaminates another horse, he is screwed. For the next year it’s always going to be at the back of his mind. I feel twitchy on his behalf.

This was not a case of doping or performance enhancing meds being used for nefarious purposes.

Yet there is a chance Dunlop’s career, or any other trainer for that matter, could be ruined by something out of his control.

That’s just not fair, and the BHA must look at amending their rules and penalties so a little more flexibility can be exercised by disciplinary panels in future.

And, let’s face it, the risk is pretty substantial that something like this will happen again as racing has an ongoing cocaine problem.

Yes, it’s an issue in wider society, but we’ve seen plenty of jockeys banned for snorting coke and recreational drugs use among stable staff, particularly in Newmarket, has been going on for ages.

Then there is the issue of racecourse security. It was highlighted during Dunlop’s disciplinary hearing that two people had been spotted on grainy CCTV near Lucidity in the Brighton stables on the day of her positive test.

But the quality of the footage was so poor you couldn’t tell how close they actually were to the horse, or the level of interaction.

Let’s not forget, we are only two years removed from two men having been given bans for ‘nobbling’ a red-hot 6-4 favourite in the stables at Newcastle.

They literally walked up to Ladies First in her box, gave her a beta blocker, and walked on out. She ran a few hours later and was well-beaten.

For all we know, there might have been other nobbling cases that were never picked up. Outside of the big tracks, racecourse stables are clearly vulnerable.

Dunlop has been hard done by. Let’s hope his story doesn’t meet a grizzly end, like the poor old cocaine bear.


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Remember to gamble responsibly

A responsible gambler is someone who:

  • Establishes time and monetary limits before playing
  • Only gambles with money they can afford to lose
  • Never chases their losses
  • Doesn’t gamble if they’re upset, angry or depressed
  • Gamcare – www.gamcare.org.uk
  • Gamble Aware – www.gambleaware.org

Find our detailed guide on responsible gambling practices here.

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Oasis reunion risks another feud between the Gallagher brothers as Noel could be ‘set to earn more’ than brother Liam

OASIS’S reunion tour could spark another feud between Liam and Noel over finances, according to a PR expert.

The comeback run, which currently features 17 stadium dates around the UK, is the biggest story in the world of music at the minute.

a group of men standing on a field with a stadium in the background
Noel is set to earn the most from the Oasis reunion tour, according to a PR expert[/caption]
two men standing next to each other with one wearing a jacket that says g-star
The Gallagher brothers have made up after a 15 year feud[/caption]

Many thought the day Liam and Noel buried the hatchet would never come – but it has happened some 15 years after they last performed together.

However, celebrity PR specialist Kayley Cornelius told the Star that they might soon be at loggerheads again when the money starts rolling in from licensing rights.

Noel was the primary songwriter for the group and as a result is entitled to a larger slice of the pie than his brother.

Both Gallaghers could still pull in six-figure sums for use of their solo works though, according to Cornelius.

She said: “With many brands viewing the reunion as a prime marketing opportunity for their upcoming product launches, any company looking to feature Noel’s music in advertisements or products will need to pay a premium – a price that has undoubtedly surged due to the reunion’s excitement.

“The rights to one of Oasis’s top tracks could easily command several million per usage. Since ticket sales are notoriously not the biggest cash generators for artists in the music industry, Noel is likely to profit most from this reunion through song rights and licensing deals.”

General sale for Dublin show tickets opens tomorrow morning at 8am followed by 9am for the UK shows.

The price for seating and standing tickets for all five venues has been confirmed as follows:

Manchester Heaton Park

  • Standing – £135 (£148 including fees)
  • Hospitality area – £250 (£268 including fees)

Cardiff Principality Stadium

  • Pitch standing – £135 (£150 including fees)
  • Seats – Ranges from £65 (£73 including fees) to £185 (£205 including fees)
  • Premium seats – £250 (£270 including fees)

London Wembley Stadium

  • Pitch standing – £135 (£151 including fees)
  • Seats – Ranges from £65 (£73 including fees) to £185 (£206 including fees)

Edinburgh Murrayfield Stadium

  • Pitch standing – £135 (£151 including fees)
  • Seats – Ranges from £65 (£73 including fees) to £185 (£206 including fees)

Dublin Croke Park

Prices will start at (£73) – subject to service charge.

Despite the clamour for tickets, many fans have slammed the pricing and are questioning how they’ll afford them.

One person wrote on X: “I’m so disappointed in prices, bro I remember Liam going on about how Blur tickets cost a grand, what the f is this?”

Another said: “I thought Oasis would be expensive. I wasn’t wrong.”

A third said: “Not Oasis tickets being more expensive than my Taylor Swift ticket, that’s not very working class is it lads.”

Oasis 2025 tour dates REVEALED

OASIS brothers Liam and Noel Gallagher have revealed a 17 gig comeback tour next summer - here are the details

The Wonderwall hitmakers will delight crowds as follows:

JULY 2025
4th – Cardiff, Principality Stadium
5th – Cardiff, Principality Stadium
11th – Manchester, Heaton Park
12th – Manchester, Heaton Park

16th – Manchester, Heaton Park
19th – Manchester, Heaton Park
20th – Manchester, Heaton Park
25th – London, Wembley Stadium
26th – London, Wembley Stadium

30th – London, Wembley Stadium

2nd – London, Wembley Stadium
3rd – London, Wembley Stadium
8th – Edinburgh, Scottish Gas Murrayfield Stadium
9th – Edinburgh, Scottish Gas Murrayfield Stadium

12th – Edinburgh, Scottish Gas Murrayfield Stadium
16th – Dublin, Croke Park
17th – Dublin, Croke Park

Fans are able to increase their chances of getting tickets through a pre-sale ticket ballot.

Fans need to enter some personal details and answer an Oasis-related question.

Those who answer correctly will receive an email asking for confirmation they want to be entered into the ballot.

Successful ballot entries then received an email with a code by 12pm on Friday, August 30.

*If you click on a link in this boxout, we may earn affiliate revenue.

Tickets for the UK dates go on sale from 9am on Saturday, August 31st and will be available from www.ticketmaster.co.uk, www.gigsandtours.com and www.seetickets.com. Dublin tickets will be available from 8am that same day from www.ticketmaster.ie.

Another fumed: “My god when did concerts become so expensive… £150 to stand at Cardiff to see Oasis …£73 to sit ….I ask you who’s gonna sit???? Really ?”

A fifth vented: “Fair to say lost respect for @liamgallagher @NoelGallagher £150 for standing is ridiculous. Clearly, they’ve only come back for the money.”

a group of men standing in front of a red wall
Oasis have 17 stadium shows in the diary for 2025[/caption]

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Top 10 Nigerian states where the most ransom was paid to kidnappers 

Hello This post Top 10 Nigerian states where the most ransom was paid to kidnappers  was first posted on Naijaonpoint.com.ng and is written by naijaonpoint.

Nigeria’s kidnapping crisis has reached alarming levels, transforming into a lucrative criminal enterprise that exploits the country’s security weaknesses and economic challenges.  From July 2023 to June 2024, a staggering 7,568 individuals were abducted in 1,130 incidents across Nigeria, highlighting the widespread nature of this menace.  This is according to the “Grim Reaping: Economics of […]

Hello This post Top 10 Nigerian states where the most ransom was paid to kidnappers  was first posted on Naijaonpoint.com.ng and is written by naijaonpoint.

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JUST IN: Rivers Assembly screens, confirms eight nominees nominated by Gov Fubara

Hello This post JUST IN: Rivers Assembly screens, confirms eight nominees nominated by Gov Fubara was first posted on Naijaonpoint.com.ng and is written by Sunnex Egbu.

The Rivers State House of Assembly has officially confirmed Barrister Lawrence Oko-Jaja, SAN, as Chairman of the Board of the Rivers State Bureau on Public Procurement (RSBoPP). The assembly also approved the appointments of Dr. Ernest Ibekwe Ekwe, and Dr. Mina Ogbanga, Engr. Iseleye Amachree, Engr. Adokiye Oyagiri, Engr. Gift Alex-Hart, Mrs. Grace Osaronu, and […]

Hello This post JUST IN: Rivers Assembly screens, confirms eight nominees nominated by Gov Fubara was first posted on Naijaonpoint.com.ng and is written by Sunnex Egbu.

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Aradel Buys NNPC, TotalEnergies’ Marginal Oil Fields for $19.5m

Hello This post Aradel Buys NNPC, TotalEnergies’ Marginal Oil Fields for $19.5m was first posted on Naijaonpoint.com.ng and is written by naijaonpoint.

By Adedapo Adesanya Aradel Holdings Plc has through its subsidiary, Aradel Energy Limited, signed a sale and purchase agreement to acquire the 100 per cent interest in the Olo and Olo West marginal fields from TotalEnergies EP Nigeria Limited and the Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) Limited. Aradel said in a statement that the acquisition […]

Hello This post Aradel Buys NNPC, TotalEnergies’ Marginal Oil Fields for $19.5m was first posted on Naijaonpoint.com.ng and is written by naijaonpoint.

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FRSC Reports Six Killed in Lagos-Ibadan Expressway Accident

The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) has reported that six people lost their lives in a tragic accident involving two vehicles along the Lagos-Ibadan expressway, according to a statement released on Friday by Florence Okpe, the spokesperson of the FRSC. The incident, which took place at the Verona-Ogere axis in Ogun State, also left three […]

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