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Grange Hill and Doctor Who star Stuart Organ left £230,000 in his will to wife Jean & family

GRANGE Hill star Stuart Organ left nearly a quarter-of-a-million pounds when he died, it’s been revealed.

The actor was the longest-serving cast member on the cult children’s TV school drama playing Mr Robson.

a man in a suit and tie is sitting in front of a bulletin board .
Stuart Organ portrayed PE teacher-turned-headmaster Peter Robson in Grange Hill
a man in a suit and tie stands in front of a pool
The actor died in February after a short illness aged 72[/caption]

He died in February after a short illness aged 72.

Documents reveal Organ, of Glastonbury, Somerset, had £234,693 in his estate when he died.

He left a few thousand each to his nephew, niece and godchildren.

But he left the majority of his estate to wife Jean whom he married in 2002.

The couple had no children.

He will be best remembered for his 15-years on the BBC’s Grange Hill where his character Peter Robson arrived as the head of PE in 1988.

He went on to take the headmaster role 10 years later.

The show was about life in a London comprehensive school and ran from 1978 to 2008.

It made headlines for tackling big issues such as racism, drug abuse, teenage pregnancy, mental illness and HIV and Aids.

Organ, who started his acting career in Leeds in 1975, also appeared in the soap Brookside as well as Doctor Who.

He plied his trade in cartoons and video games such as Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Organ will have been a familiar voice to London Underground passengers announcing stations, lines, late arrivals and telling users to mind the gap.


GRANGE Hill is one of Britain’s top TV shows – that kids used to race home from school to watch.

Many of today’s adults will remember the catchy theme tune and THAT sausage in the title credits – here’s a look back over the last 40 years.

When was Grange Hill on TV?

Grange Hill was a BBC children’s drama TV show.

The show began its run in 1978 on BBC1, and was one of the longest-running programmes on British television when it ended its run in September 2008.

It was created by Phil Redmond, who is also responsible for the Channel 4 soaps Brookside and Hollyoaks.

After 30 years, the show was cancelled in 2008 as it was felt by the BBC that the series had run its course.

Where was Grange Hill filmed?

Grange Hill was originally filmed at real schools in London.

The first of these was Kingsbury High School in North London, which was used as the Grange Hill setting for the first two series.

For series 3, in 1980, exterior filming moved to Willesden High School (now Capital City Academy) in Willesden Green, which was similar in looks to Kingsbury and was also situated in a residential area of the capital.

In 1981, Grange Hill moved to Holborn College (now Fulham Preparatory School) in Greyhound Road, Hammersmith – this was the longest serving of the “real schools”, remaining on screen until 1985.

Interior shots were filmed at the BBC Television Centre.

Production moved to BBC Elstree Centre in 1985 with an office block, Neptune House, used as the school.

In 2003 filming moved to Liverpool and continued until 2008.

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Brits brace for worst winter EVER as number of disease-ridden giant rats invading homes doubles in ‘perfect’ conditions

BRITS are set to face their worst winter ever for rat invasions, with the wet weather expected to drive disease-ridden rodents into the nation’s homes.

Pest control experts have also warned that the number of rat sightings in homes may double this week, as forecasters predict a deluge of rain.

a man standing in front of a bespoke pest control van
Steve Wales
Pest control expert Steve Wales gets multiple call-outs a day[/caption]
a toilet with a wooden seat sits in a bathroom
Steve Wales
Brits have already been discovering rats in their toilets[/caption]
a picture of a person 's foot next to a rat and the words nice start to the day
Steve Wales
Many people have sighted rats outside their properties[/caption]

Steve Wales of Bespoke Pest Control said: “I’ve been working in this industry for 30 years and because of a cocktail of problems combining at the same time, I have never had more calls about rats – and it’s getting worse.”

Nearly half of all call-outs are now about rats invading homes and offices – with some “the size of a small cat or dog” – according to Steve.

He added: “Ten years ago, I received about two calls a week about rats – now it’s more like three rat calls every day.”

In 2022, industry giant Rentokil warned of a 30 per cent surge in the number of rats – equating to an additional 33.75 million rats.

The company now says they have seen an 83 per cent increase in rats in the last three months.

Experts say this is due to a toxic combination of factors.

These include badly maintained drains, cheaply fitted pipes in homes, and particularly wet weather.

Yesterday (22 September), the UK was hit with a huge storm, sparking 17 weather warnings.

Steve said: “All the rain this week will see the drains flood, and that pushes the rats out.

“Rats can swim – but they look for dryer places when water levels rise, like on top of garages and inside walls if they can get in.”

The sight of a twitching rodent isn’t just alarming for many homeowners – it’s also very dangerous.

Rats carry Leptospirosis – or Weil’s disease – as well as salmonella, fleas, worms, bacteria and viruses, all of which can harm humans, as well as pets.

In 2010, Andy Holmes, an Olympic rower who won gold for Britain alongside Sir Steve Redgrave, was killed by Weil’s disease, which is passed through the urine of infected rats and other vermin.

According to Steve, slashed funding for bin collections has also contributed to the problem, with rubbish providing perfect snacks for rats.

He said: “They only need about 40mm of water and 40g of food a day, and humans make it easy for them.

“What with all the fat poured down drains and food around homes, we have given them a perfect place to live in our sewers and drains.”

Pest controllers say some Brits are putting down poison to kill rats themselves – but this is dangerous to wildlife and pets, and if rats are entering a home through a sewer, they will keep coming back.

Many are two foot long and very fat – making themselves look even bigger as a defence mechanism.

Steve added that rats are also breeding faster than ever as they have ideal conditions in Britain, with plenty of food and water.

What are the symptoms of Weil's disease?

WEIL'S disease - also known as leptospirosis - is an infection rarely seen in the UK, which is spread through the wee of infected animals.

Most commonly, this includes rats, mice, cows, pigs and dogs.

You can get leptospirosis if:

  • Soil or freshwater (such as water from a river, canal or lake) that contains infected pee gets in your mouth, eyes or a cut, usually during activities like kayaking, outdoor swimming or fishing
  • You touch an infected animal’s blood or flesh, usually from working with animals or animal parts

Most people who get leptospirosis have no symptoms, or mild flu-like symptoms. But some people get seriously ill.

Symptoms of leptospirosis may include:

  • High temperature
  • Headache
  • Body aches and pain
  • Tummy ache
  • Feeling sick or being sick
  • Diarrhoea
  • Redness in the white part of your eyes
  • Yellowing of the skin (which may be harder to see on black or brown skin) or white part of the eyes

You should see a GP is you think you’ve been exposed to to infected pee, water, or soil and have the above symptoms.

You’ll usually be given antibiotic tablets to treat the infection. Most people recover in a few days or weeks.

It’s important to finish the course of antibiotics, even if you start to feel better.

Take paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve any aches, pains or a high temperature.

If you have severe symptoms, you may need to be treated in hospital.

Source: NHS 

A female rat gives birth to an average of six litters a year, each with as many as 12 rat pups. 

As rats reach sexual maturity after around a month, two rats can balloon to as many as 1,250 in just one year.

Research by Rentokil even said a pair of rats could produce nearly half a billion descendants in just three years.

Cost-cutting within local authorities has also been an issue according to Paul Mitcham, rat-catcher at New Enterprise Pest Control Herts Limited.

He said: “When I started in pest control, the local authorities and utility firms used to do a lot of preventative work around rats.

“But they stopped sewer bating drains because of the costs about a decade ago. Local authorities used to do brook bating – that stopped 20 years ago because of the cost.

“A lot of councils don’t have any pest control services at all anymore.

“This certainly could be one of the worst winters for rats in Britain – the wet weather and lack of investment from utility companies and local authorities is really serious.”

Paul, who started his career working for industry giant Rentokil in 1990, added: “I reckon over the almost 35 years since then, rats are up tenfold – and breeding fast.”

The news comes after a woman made the horrifying discovery that a rat had made its way into her toilet, after “something brushed against her”.

How to stop rats in their tracks

The number of rats in homes is set to skyrocket this year - so how can you stop rats in their tracks?

Paul Mitcham, rat-catcher at New Enterprise Pest Control Herts Limited, recommends the following steps:

  • Vinegar – but be warned this may get rid of them for a day or so as they will quickly get used to it
  • Regularly check the perimeters of your property
  • Make sure there’s no pipe entry points or broken air bricks
  • Have a quarterly inspection from pest control
a mouse is swimming in a blue bowl of water
A woman discovered a rodent was hiding inside her toilet after returning from a night out[/caption]
Rat-catcher Kieran Sampler was called out to help – who has killed over 65,000 rats[/caption]

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