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Irish Love is Blind star Sabrina Egerton says she is ‘closing chapter’ on show and marriage split

SABRINA Egerton has said she is “closing the chapter” on Love is Blind UK, one year after the Irish woman walked down the aisle for the show. 

The Belfast woman wed Steven Smith on the hit Netflix reality show, which aired last month.

a woman in a wedding dress holds a bouquet of white flowers
Sabrina shared this image from her wedding day[/caption]
a man in a suit is proposing to a woman in a black dress
Steven getting on one knee after they met for the first time in the show
a bride and groom kissing while holding champagne glasses
The couple seemed in love on their big day, this time last year
Netflix Instagram

But the reunion showed that the pair had split after just 86 days together, when the long-distance didn’t work between Belfast and London.

Sabrina also said her ex-husband didn’t make an effort to call or visit her, coming to Ireland just twice in that time, when she flew over seven times. 

In a post on Instagram to mark one year since they said ‘yes’ at the altar she said the break-up was “one of the hardest things I’ve ever faced.”

The couple ended their marriage around Christmas last year when Steven refused to come to Belfast despite committing to it before.

The 35-year-old looked back on her wedding day in a post.

“One year ago today, I walked down the aisle and said “yes” to what I believed would be the start of my happily ever after. But life doesn’t always go as planned.

“Coming to terms with the breakdown of my marriage was one of the hardest things I’ve ever faced. For so long, I held onto anger, and even longer, a deep sadness. 

“Deep down, I knew it hadn’t been enough time and that I didn’t truly know this person outside of the experiment.

“But I ignored my intuition. I’ve spent a lot of time blaming myself for not listening to that inner voice.

“However, I made my decision based on the information I had at the time, and that’s all any of us can do. What if it had worked out? Sometimes, you have to take the leap of faith and hope for the best.”

Looking back on the past 12 months and having to deal privately with her marriage split before it aired publicly around the world on Love is Blind, she said: “This past year has been one of the darkest I’ve ever experienced, emotionally and mentally.

“To have my marriage crumble so publicly and so painfully was devastating.

“But through all the hurt, I’ve learned something incredibly important—I am stronger than I ever imagined. I’ve learned to find light in the darkest of places, to be grateful for the love and kindness I still have in my life, even when things seem bleak.”

Sabrina said people have asked her if she regrets doing Love is Blind but she said she doesn’t as she did the experiment the way it should be.

I was truly ready for that next step in life. And for that, I’m proud

“I went into it with an open mind, an open heart, and I was honest and authentic throughout. I was truly ready for that next step in life. And for that, I’m proud.

“The experience taught me resilience—it showed me what I will and won’t accept in my life, and it gave me a strength I didn’t know I had.

“Every challenge we face is a lesson, and I truly believe that sometimes things fall apart so that something better can fall into place.”

And as she marked one year since she walked down the aisle, she said she is turning a new page and starting afresh, and is hopeful she will find love. 

“Today, I’m officially closing the chapter on that part of my life and I’m letting it go with peace and gratitude for the lessons it taught me.

“Now, as I step into this next chapter, I’m excited for what’s ahead. I know, when the time is right, I’ll meet someone who truly deserves my love, someone who will value and cherish all of me, who thinks I’m worth showing up for.

“Until then, I’m focused on building a life I’m proud of—and that’s a journey worth celebrating.”

a woman in a wedding dress with a veil on her head
Sabrina said she thought she made the right decision on the day

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Barcelona to wear never-before-seen kit for next Clasico with logo of world famous band plastered on the front

BARCELONA will wear a special shirt for the El Clasico next month.

Hansi Flick‘s side have made a sensational start to the domestic season, winning all six of their LaLiga games and scoring 22 goals in the process.

a man wearing a jersey that says coldplay on it
SunSport has mocked up what Barcelona’s Coldplay shirt could look like for El Clasico

Their brilliant run has opened up a four-point advantage to second-place Real Madrid at the top of the table.

It means they are likely to go into the Clasico at the Bernabeu on October 27 with a lead in the title race.

And, according to Sport, the high-stakes match will see Barcelona wear a limited edition kit with British rock band Coldplay’s logo on it.

This is in keeping with the deal the Catalan giants have with Spotify – the name sponsor of the Camp Nou.

They have previously worn shirts promoting the likes of The Rolling Stones, Shakira and Drake.

Now it is set to be Coldplay’s turn as they prepare to release their new album “Moon Music” on October 4.

The logo that will go on the shirt has yet to be revealed, but SunSport has mocked up a picture of what it could look like.

Coldplay, who played four concerts in Barcelona last year, have an affiliation with the football club that goes back to Pep Guardiola’s time as manager.


During that hugely successful period, the band’s song “Viva la Vida” became a song regularly played in the Nou Camp following Barcelona’s various triumphs.

Speaking about their connection to the club in an interview last year, Coldplay guitarist Jonny Buckland said: “I did know about Barca and I remember reading about it at the time and thinking ‘how cool’.

“They were the best team on the planet at that time and they played football from another galaxy and it’s interesting because this song [Viva la Vida] really took shape in Barcelona.

“We love playing it, especially here where it was born and where it has such a special meaning.”

“Viva la Vida” was also played after Barcelona’s final game before they left the Nou Camp as renovations began on the stadium.

They are hoping to move back in before the end of the year.

In the meantime, they have been playing their games at the Olympic Stadium.

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Усик показав яскраві кадри з Лондона на бої Джошуа-Дюбуа (фото)

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Леді Гага відверто розповіла, як ставиться до чуток про те, що вона чоловік

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Нездорова харчова поведінка: що це і як її розпізнати

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Що робити з дитиною, яка почала брехати? Поради психолога

Брехня в різних своїх проявах — це невід’ємна частина соціального життя людини. Варто пригадати, скільки разів протягом дня ми когось обманюємо, говоримо напівправду, приховуючи частину інформації. Така поведінка вважається цілком нормальною. І дійсно, варто чесно говорити колезі, що вона невдало підстриглася, або повідомляти літній родичці, що вона смертельно набридла вам своїми розмовами про здоров’я? Але […]

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Неплях показалася в ліжку у “найважчому стані” та розповіла про стосунки, які наважилася закінчити

«Міс Україна Всесвіт»-2021 Анна Неплях зізналася, що в квітні закінчила стосунки, які тривали рік. І саме під час них їй вдалося кинути пити та схуднути. Про це Аня повідомила у сторіс свого Instagram, проілюструвавши допис світлинами в ліжку. За словами 30-річної міс, це був її найважчий стан. Неплях раптом вирішила згадати свій стан після розставання […]

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